Toronto Star

Tories prime their fundraisin­g engines

After loosening campaign finance laws, PCs are banking on cash windfall


Premier Doug Ford’s governing Progressiv­e Conservati­ves are revving up their money machine.

After loosening campaign finance laws introduced by former premier Kathleen Wynne following a 2016 Star exposé of Liberal fundraisin­g, the Tories are banking on a cash windfall.

Ford will headline the $1,250a-plate Toronto Leader’s Dinner on Feb. 27 at the Toronto Congress Centre on Dixon Road in Etobicoke. And Tuesday, Energy Minister Greg Rickford will speak at an $800a-ticket cocktail party at the Albany Club on King St. East.

The two events are the first big-ticket fundraiser­s since the Conservati­ves, who defeated the Liberals last June, amended the previous campaign finance legislatio­n in the Restoring Trust, Transparen­cy and Accountabi­lity Act.

In a message to supporters, PC Ontario Fund chair Tony Miele said the Tories “need your help to build up our party’s financial resources as quickly as possible.”

Miele touted the premier’s dinner as “the biggest fundraiser in our party’s history.”

Last Friday, Ford attended a modest $25-a-plate spaghetti dinner for 200 supporters at Kitchener’s Bingemans Conference Centre.

Under Wynne’s restrictio­ns, all MPPs, candidates, and staff were forbidden from attending any event where money was raised for political parties.

But last November, Finance Minister Vic Fedeli changed the law to enable politician­s and their staff to go to fundraiser­s.

That had been the case before Wynne’s reforms almost three years ago amid accusation­s of the Liberals accepting “cash-for-access.”

Green Leader Mike Schreiner said Tuesday he was “disappoint­ed” with the trend back to such fundraiser­s.

“Cash-for-access dinners have made a return to Ontario politics and it’s a bad sign for democracy. Pay-to-play politics is good for those with deep pockets, but not good for the people,” he said. “At $1,250 per plate to buy the ear of the premier, this is not a ‘government for the people.’ It’s a government for big banks, big developers, big nuclear and big oil.”

In his amendments last fall, Fedeli retained the prohibitio­n on corporate and union donations, but some loopholes have emerged in the new legislatio­n.

The Tories repealed a section that forced donors to “certify, in a form approved by the Chief Electoral Officer, that the person has not acted contrary” to the ban on trade unions or corporatio­ns donating cash in the name of their members or employees.

Both Conservati­ve and Liberal fundraisin­g experts have privately said all political parties could exploit that.

“If you don’t fill out a disclosure form, then what’s to stop a corporatio­n donating on your behalf?” a veteran Liberal confided last fall, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the fundraisin­g practices.

A veteran Tory, who also requested anonymity, joked that “it’s a loophole you could drive a Brink’s truck through.”

Well, that was quick.

Last November, the Ford government turned the clock back on legislatio­n enacted by the Liberals that lowered the maximum donation to political parties and barred Ontario MPPs from attending fundraisin­g events.

And just like that, it’s back to the old cash-for-access system that has been discredite­d in Ontario and across the country.

Allowing well-heeled donors to pay for face time with ministers and other MPPs was always bad for democracy. The Ontario Liberals came under intense criticism for abusing the system, and were embarrasse­d by revelation­s in the Star and elsewhere about ministers having to meet yearly party fundraisin­g targets of up to $500,000.

The Wynne government was right to finally do away with this broken system in 2016. Even the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves supported that reform at the time.

What’s changed? Nothing, other than Doug Ford now heads the PCs and the Ontario government, and clearly believes his party will benefit by going back to the bad old days of trading access for dollars.

So his government snuck major changes to the Liberal law into its fall economic update, which went by the remarkably cynical title of The Restoring Trust, Transparen­cy and Accountabi­lity Act of 2018.

In fact, it’s doing just the opposite. It raises the maximum a person can donate to a political party from $1,200 to $1,600 over the next four years, and will phase out public subsidies to parties. And it repeals the ban on MPPs (including ministers) attending gatherings designed to raise cash for their party.

At first, the PCs made a stab at making it look like its fundraisin­g events would be different. Theirs would be ones where the little guy could afford to rub shoulders with the politician­s. So the first event under the new regime was a modestly priced $25-a-plate spaghetti dinner in Kitchener-Waterloo.

But now the party is getting down to the business of raising serious cash. To wit: Next Tuesday, Energy Minister Greg Rickford will speak at an $800-a-ticket cocktail party at Toronto’s exclusive Albany Club. And on Feb. 27, Premier Ford will headline a $1,250-a-plate dinner at the Toronto Congress Centre. That one is being touted as the biggest fundraiser in the PC party’s history. This is a terrible move for at least two reasons. First is simple fairness. Access to politician­s shouldn’t depend on how fat your wallet is. Typically, ministers and others raised the most money from the very sectors they were supposed to be overseeing. That’s an obvious conflict of interest that voters could smell a mile away. The other reason is more self-serving. The Ontario Liberals took full advantage of the old system when they were in power. That was a big contributo­r to public anger against the party, and we saw how that ended when the Liberals were crushed last June.

Does Ford really want to lead his party down the same path? Does he believe the “for-the-people” PCs can play by the old rules and not be tainted in the end?

Voters aren’t stupid. Eventually they’ll see the same old influence-seekers playing the same old game and draw the same conclusion­s they did when the Liberals were at the trough. And the PCs will pay the price.

Just like that, it’s back to the old cash-for-access system that has been discredite­d in Ontario and across the country

 ?? CHRIS YOUNG THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Greg Rickford will attend the $1,250-a-plate Toronto Leader’s Dinner next month.
CHRIS YOUNG THE CANADIAN PRESS Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Greg Rickford will attend the $1,250-a-plate Toronto Leader’s Dinner next month.

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