Toronto Star

Gillette ad gives the right wing razor burn

Commercial challenges viewers to confront toxic masculinit­y


In less than two minutes, the men and boys in Gillette’s new ad engage in a panoply of bad behaviour: bullying, fighting, discrimina­tion, sexual harassment and more. A line of them, standing behind smoke wafting up from their grills, recites “boys will be boys will be boys will be boys.”

“Is this the best a man can get?” the ad asks, challengin­g viewers to confront issues like toxic masculinit­y and #MeToo and to abandon “the same old excuses.” By the end of the clip, men are challengin­g catcallers, championin­g their daughters and breaking up brawls.

The company, known for its razors and personal care products, posted the ad on social media Monday. Within a day, it was the subject of a battle in which support for its message collided with calls for boycotts.

The ad, developed by Gillette’s advertisin­g agency, Grey, was defended and praised by actress Rosanna Arquette, comedian Pete Dominick, screenwrit­er and director Jeffrey Reddick, Arianna Huffington and others.

But on social media, one man called it “a condescend­ing ad from a company that relies on men buying their products.” Another wrote that “being a man is not a disease nor a pathology,” adding that “it is grotesque to repeatedly ascribe collective guilt onto half of humanity known as men.”

Piers Morgan railed on Twitter about

the ad, calling it “pathetic,” “virtue-signalling” and “a direct consequenc­e of radical feminists” who are “driving a war against masculinit­y.” He said he used Gillette razors for his entire adult life but was considerin­g jumping ship.

On YouTube, the ad has been liked more than 1,700 times. But it received more than 10,000 thumbs down votes.

Gillette said it commission­ed a study of 1,188 adults and found that the results “emphasize the outsized importance of ‘soft’ skills in today’s modern man.”

Soon after Gillette’s ad appeared online, its rival, Dollar Shave Club, posted a message on Twitter that seemed to welcome new customers. The post was liked more than 4,500 times, compared with a few dozen likes on the company’s other posts.

This is not the first time that Procter & Gamble, which owns Gillette, has echoed progressiv­e rhetoric in its marketing.

The company’s Pantene hair products line once ran a “Strong is Beautiful” campaign, which featured football players from the New Orleans Saints, the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys braiding their daughters’ hair.

The #LikeAGirl campaign for Always feminine hygiene products, which encourages girls to face the fear of failure, shows them playing chess, fencing and drumming.

But in taking a position on the idea of toxic masculinit­y, Gillette and P&G could be dealing with a “hot potato,” said Dean Crutchfiel­d, the chief executive of the brand advisory firm Crutchfiel­d and Partners.

“If this is just a quick campaign to get some attention, not something they’re weaving into the fabric of their company going forward, it’s going to blow up in their face,” he said. “This is a huge topic, and it’s highly sensitive, and I don’t think P&G had done anything as explosive as this could be.”

Other companies have also inserted themselves into discussion­s about sexuality, race, culture and other contentiou­s issues.

Years ago, Old Spice wanted to convince men that shower gel was masculine while appealing to the women who were actually buying the product. The resulting “Smell like a man, man” campaign is now considered a marketing triumph.

 ?? PROCTER & GAMBLE CO. ?? Gillette's new ad drew immediate reactions on social media, with calls for boycott from men who were offended by “political correctnes­s.”
PROCTER & GAMBLE CO. Gillette's new ad drew immediate reactions on social media, with calls for boycott from men who were offended by “political correctnes­s.”

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