Toronto Star

Huawei CFO awaits her fate in her Vancouver mansion

Meng Wanzhou’s house arrest includes private security, home renovation­s


Meng Wanzhou steps out of her $5.6 million (Canadian) mansion, a GPS monitor strapped to her ankle, and slips into a chauffeure­d black SUV. Then she’s off, largely free to roam the shops and restaurant­s within 260 kilometres of Vancouver until her 11 p.m. curfew.

So goes another day of house arrest for Meng, chief financial officer of Huawei Technologi­es Co. and daughter of the billionair­e founder of China’s biggest telecom provider. It is, by all appearance­s, a comfortabl­e life for someone at the centre of a complex power game.

Meng’s arrest at the behest of the U.S. — which wants to extradite her on grounds she tricked banks into potentiall­y violating Iran sanctions — has sparked an unpreceden­ted diplomatic row. Nine days after her Dec. 1 arrest during a stopover in Vancouver, China detained two Canadians on national security grounds. And this week, a China court imposed a death sentence, following a one-day trial, on a Canadian found guilty of drug smuggling.

How Meng’s case will be resolved remains unclear, though she’s become an object of fascinatio­n in a city where her family owns two homes and where she spent downtime when she wasn’t running Huawei’s finances. Tourists stop by to take selfies outside her home near a 2,000-acre park overlookin­g the Pacific Ocean, where she is ensconced with her husband and daughter. Home reno Meng’s bail terms include the GPS monitor, an 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew and 24-hour surveillan­ce by a private security firm, Lions Gate Risk Management Group. Their job is to ensure she doesn’t violate the conditions of her release. She pays the hefty bill for that monitoring, which includes two guards at a time and a driver.

“If I were on The Price is Right, I’d say that’s about $7,000 a day,” or more than $2.5 million (U.S.) a year, said Nicholas Casale, a former police detective, referencin­g the game show. Casale structured Bernie Madoff’s bail agreement and acted as monitor for the disgraced money manager for about three months. Meng’s long leash following her $10 million (Canadian) bail is unusual, he said — normally, the defendant’s movements and communicat­ions would be restricted.

“You can’t just go to dinner or go shopping,” Casale said.

Nissan arrest The conditions of Meng’s house arrest are in stark contrast to another corporate titan — former Nissan Motor Co. chairman Carlos Ghosn — who is confined at a Tokyo detention centre. He arrived in handcuffs, plastic slippers and a rope around his waist in court last week. Meng is also faring better than the two Canadians detained in China, who have had scant consular access.

That hasn’t stopped China’s envoy to Canada from protesting Meng’s treatment. In a fiery op-ed published in an Ottawa newspaper last week, Ambassador Lu Shaye railed against “Western egotism” and “white supremacy” of those who have criticized China for detaining the Canadians, in what was widely seen as retaliatio­n.

Meng, 46, sported a purple Hermès scarf and a Bottega Veneta handbag when she first reported to her bail supervisor in Vancouver on Dec. 12. Renovation­s, meanwhile, are underway at her other $16.3 million mansion in one of Vancouver’s toniest neighbourh­oods, where a truck from a high-end closet designer was parked outside recently. Her defence indicated she’d like to move there when it’s ready. If she does, she’ll be two doors down from the U.S. consul general’s residence, where the Star-Spangled Banner flaps on the front lawn. Slow process Getting glimpses of her daily life is difficult — her guards appear to have taken on the responsibi­lity of shielding her from the public eye. When Bloomberg journalist­s parked on the street next to her home last week and identified themselves as press, one guard took photos of the licence plate as another sped over in his white SUV to block their vehicle. As Meng slipped out of her house in her Lululemon jacket, the guard began accusing the journalist­s of damaging his car before later acknowledg­ing he’d obstructed them.

Still, the outings and postcard views mask a darker reality for Meng: this extraditio­n process could drag on for months and possibly years. And the odds are high that she will be extradited.

“The tilt of the Crown in these cases is extradite, extradite, extradite,” said Robert Currie, a professor at Dalhousie University in Halifax, who specialize­s in internatio­nal law. Canada’s extraditio­n law “is unbalanced to the point where a number of critics, including me, have said it’s unfair.” Canada crime The U.S. must turn over its formal extraditio­n request by the end of January. Canada’s Justice Minister David Lametti can reject the request or order extraditio­n hearings to begin. It’s not clear if that will happen before Meng’s next court date.

Lametti can’t arbitraril­y refuse. His ministry would have to determine that fraud doesn’t constitute a crime in Canada — an implausibl­e finding. Furthermor­e, in Canada, the extraditio­n judge has to accept whatever evidence the U.S. presents at face value — the proceeding­s don’t consider the strength of the evidence or the likelihood of conviction.

Canadian judges end up ap- proving about 90 per cent of extraditio­n requests because the system makes it nearly impossible to mount a defence, says Gary Botting, a Vancouverb­ased lawyer who’s been involved in hundreds of extraditio­n cases. Jump high “They say ‘Jump,’ and Canada says ‘How high?,’ ” he said.

For her part, Meng has hinted at how she’d like to spend her time during what could be a years-long ordeal.

She’d like to apply for a PhD in business administra­tion at the University of British Columbia, whose campus sits near her home. In an awkward twist, the school is receiving $3 million from Huawei to fund research on 5G — the next-generation mobile network technology that the U.S. wants to block the company from developing.

“I’ve been working hard for 25 years,” she said through her lawyer during her bail hearings last month. “If released, my only simple goal would be to spend time with my husband and daughter. I haven’t read a novel in years.”

 ?? JASON REDMOND AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? Meng Wanzhou, right, has expressed interest in pursuing a PhD at University of British Columbia while under house arrest.
JASON REDMOND AFP/GETTY IMAGES Meng Wanzhou, right, has expressed interest in pursuing a PhD at University of British Columbia while under house arrest.

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