Toronto Star

Trudeau affirms support for Venezuela’s Guaido

PM speaks to ‘leader’ ahead of Lima Group meeting in Ottawa


OTTAWA— Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office says he has spoken with the man Canada and many of its allies consider the legitimate leader of Venezuela.

Trudeau’s office says he spoke with Juan Guaido about the need for countries to send a clear message about what the PMO calls “the illegitima­cy of the Maduro regime.” A statement from the PMO says the two also discussed the need to respect Venezuela’s constituti­on and to have free and fair presidenti­al elections.

The call comes a day before Canada and its allies in the socalled Lima Group are set to meet in Ottawa. The gathering of more than a dozen of Canada’s Western Hemisphere allies is meant to find new ways to support the Venezuelan opposition and ease the refugee crisis in neighbouri­ng Brazil and Colombia. The agenda was still being finalized on Friday, in part because of the speed at which the Venezuelan crisis is unfolding.

Canada has already contribute­d $2.2 million for the humanitari­an crisis in Venezuela that has forced three million people from their homes.

Trudeau’s office says he told Guaido that Monday’s meeting will look at any ways countries can “can further support the people of Venezuela, including through immediate humanitari­an assistance. “The prime minister commended Juan Guaido for his courage and leadership in helping to return democracy to Venezuela and offered Canada’s continued support,” the statement says.

So far, more than 20 have recognized him as the country’s interim president, including the United States, Canada and most of the rest of South America. Several European Union countries gave Maduro a deadline of midnight Sunday to call for free and fair elections. France and Austria have said they will recognize Guaido once the deadline passes.

Guaido urged Trudeau not to be swayed by the group of government­s that are calling for new internatio­nally backed negotiatio­ns between the government and the opposition to break the standoff.

“This is not the time for dialogue,” Guaido said firmly.

Meanwhile, U.S. President Donald Trump signalled he’s confident a transition of power in Venezuela is underway as the U.S. presses for Guaido to take over. Use of U.S. military force in Venezuela remains “an option” and he isn’t inclined to negotiate with President Nicolas Maduro to persuade him to leave, Trump said in an interview on CBS’ Face the Nation Sunday. At the same time, “I think the process is playing out” as Venezuelan­s take to the streets to protest, he said.

Supporters of Maduro and Guaido, who Venezuelan lawmakers named interim president in January, marched in demonstrat­ions Sunday in Caracas, the capital. The U.S. and two dozen other countries recognize Guaido as Venezuela’s rightful leader and are stepping up pressure on the ruling socialists to cede power.

Guaido appealed to the armed forces for support at a weekend rally. “I have absolute certainty that change is very near in Venezuela,” Guaido told thousands.

Maduro, elected president in 2013 and who is said to have rigged his re-election last year, told a crowd of thousands of red-clad supporters: “Venezuela doesn’t surrender. Venezuela charges forward.”

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