Toronto Star

Guards’ treatment of pregnant Black woman shocks Sweden

Footage shows security officers dragging her from subway train


Footage of security officers dragging a pregnant Black woman off a Stockholm subway train and pinning her to a bench has caused an outcry in Sweden, raising questions about the treatment of minorities in a country often seen as a beacon of tolerance.

Two security guards have been suspended and police have begun an investigat­ion, officials said. Police said they were looking into charges of misconduct against the guards, as well as charges of “violent resistance” by the woman against a public servant.

Footage showed the woman shouting in protest and a child crying as the episode unfolded. The video was widely shared on social media, with many Swedes complainin­g that a Black woman had been unfairly targeted. Some expressed shock that the child had been left crying while the woman was being overpowere­d by the guards.

Many asked whether the guards, who appeared to be white, would have forci- bly removed a pregnant white woman from the subway.

Henrik Palmer, a media officer for the Stockholm public transport authority, said Sunday that the woman had been accused of travelling without a valid ticket and had grown angry when given a fine and asked to leave the train.

In the footage, she is shown having an argument with security guards, then being dragged off the train and held down.

Abystander can be heard saying: “Take it easy. She’s pregnant. Leave her alone.”

The woman was later taken by ambulance to Huddinge Hospital, where she spent the night, officials said.

In interviews, on Sunday the woman — who would only share her first name, Jeanine, because she fears for her safety — said that she had been on she was on her way to the hospital with her daughter on Thursday evening because she was having contractio­ns. She said she had her travel card with her at the time but could not find it.

By the time she pulled it from her pocket, she said, the ticket controller had issued a fine.

Jeanine’s baby is due Feb. 20. She was to return to the doctor’s office Monday. She said she would take a taxi.

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