Toronto Star

Minister’s silence over PM’s Lavalin woes speaks volumes

- Susan Delacourt

It’s been a burning question for weeks in politics — what did Jody Wilson-Raybould do to get bounced out of her job as justice minister in Justin Trudeau’s cabinet?

Well, now we know one theory about her firing offence: an alleged refusal to do a legal favour for SNC-Lavalin, the Quebec firm with long and lucrative ties to the federal Liberals.

And so, the once-burning question in the capital’s chattering corridors of power is now a flaming bag of trouble sitting on the very doorstep of the Prime Minister’s Office. In the process, the biggest victim of Trudeau’s relatively minor cabinet shuffle last month is now perceived as its loudest whistleblo­wer, whether she embraces that new role or not.

Not that Wilson-Raybould, now veterans affairs minister, was particular­ly loud on Thursday. In fact, she didn’t have a thing to say in the wake of the Globe and Mail’s explosive story of how the former justice minister reportedly stood in the way of a deal to let SNC-Lavalin detour around prosecutio­ns that could have blocked it from receiving government contracts for years to come.

Wilson-Raybould’s silence, however, was far louder than the prime minister’s carefully chosen words of denial, about how his office had not “directed” the former minister to give the go-ahead to what’s known as a “deferred prosecutio­n” of SNC-Lavalin. Her non-denial denial, first reported in the Globe and not withdrawn on Thursday, fairly yelled in support of spirited opposition cries in support of her alleged refusal to play ball with the PMO and its cosy corporate friend in Quebec. Wilson-Raybould is now being cast as a hero who “spoke truth to power” — even if, technicall­y speaking, it was more like a whisper to a newspaper.

“That is between me and the government as the government’s previous lawyer,” Wilson-Raybould was quoted as saying in the Globe’s scoop, as well as a cryptic, “I don’t have a comment on that,” in reply to more pointed questions about how she handled the SNCLavalin case.

Pro tip: “No comment” only works as a clever misdirecti­on in fictionali­zed political journalism. In real life, it is often regarded as confirmati­on. That’s certainly how WilsonRayb­ould’s failure to comment was being interprete­d in gov- ernment and opposition circles on Thursday.

Speaking of no comment, Trudeau hasn’t really explained why he plucked Wilson-Raybould out of her post as Canada’s first Indigenous justice minister and put her in charge of a department where many political careers go to die.

That silence also created an opening, particular­ly for rumours and resentment. I attended a dinner last week in honour of Robert Burns, attended by a significan­t contingent of female cabinet ministers and Liberal MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes. When it came time for Caesar-Chavannes to speak, she stepped up to the podium with a hilarious poke at Scots and Burns culture in general, but also a couple of sharp jabs in particular to her own government.

One of those jabs was aimed squarely at the ouster of Wilson-Raybould from the justice job, and a joke about how an Indigenous woman lost her post for doing it well and unsettling the “white man.” Many in the room did a sharp intake of breath — did someone say that out loud? Wilson-Raybould, for her part, laughed and applauded loudly.

It was a telling indication of what could be a more widespread morale problem in Trudeau’s government as an election looms, not to mention a foreshadow­ing of this week’s trouble. Wilson-Raybould’s demotion has opened up a conversati­on about who’s in favour with the tight circle of power in the PMO and who’s fallen out of favour — and why is that circle so tight, anyway?

This newest bombshell of a story comes directly out of that conversati­on, with the bonus addition of alleged corruption and too-cosy ties with big Quebec donors — the kind of thing that put Liberals in the political wilderness for nearly a decade not so long ago. SNCLavalin, many were reminding us on Thursday, was the same firm that was detouring around election laws for much of that decade to put roughly $110,000 in the party’s pocket in those lean years.

As all political communicat­ion operatives know, the ring of truth is often more believable than the complicate­d truth. Wilson-Raybould’s demotion may well have been a complicate­d result of many things, and it should be noted, without getting into the details here, that these deferred prosecutio­ns to which she allegedly objected are legal and even defensible in many cases.

But it has all the ingredient­s of the well-worn political narrative in Canada — a Liberal PMO too cosy with Quebec, a defiant hero and a corporate villain with ties to sketchy donations.

Government­s are often frustrated by their inability to write their own stories. But this is another example of an old lesson in politics: the most dangerous tales are those told by aggrieved insiders, often without saying any more than “no comment.”

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