Toronto Star

Social media is an acquired taste


Want to know what I ate for breakfast today? Would a photo of my bagel and scrambled eggs appeal to you? What about an update on my dog, Leo, or a picture of my favourite cocktail bar in Florida?

I’ve been considerin­g the pros and cons of social media lately, and I have a lot of questions that don’t have easy answers. I love that Ricardo Media engages with scores of home cooks every day and connects with people through food. That’s our mission. And while I recognize the positives of social media, I also know how invasive it can be.

Which brings me to my current dilemma. A dilemma I hadn’t thought much of until an editor at my magazine asked me why I wasn’t personally on social media. (I used to be on Facebook, way back in the day, but when my followers grew to more than 5,000, my personal profile became a fan page.)

“Ricardo,” he said, pointing to a photo from his Instagram that he took of me and star Montreal baker Jeffrey Finkelstei­n, “this should be on your Instagram!”

This editor — who uses Twitter and Instagram to connect with other food writers — suggested that not only might some people be interested in seeing spontaneou­s moments from my day-to-day life, but that somewhere, deep down inside, I had an urge to share them.

He wasn’t necessaril­y wrong about the last part. A part of me does miss sharing photos of my family, like I used to do on Facebook. And it’s not like I don’t understand the benefits of social media. As a tool to keep in touch with loved ones, co-workers or just to network or promote yourself, I think there’s a tremendous upside.

But I do worry that if I take the “personal” plunge, I’ll feel pressured to keep up and post super-compelling, whiz-bang content on a regular basis. I honestly wonder how some people do it (where do they find the time ... or the energy?). Also, do we need more photos of bagels and scrambled eggs out there in the world?

So, for the time being, I’m hesitant to take out my smartphone to capture life’s random moments. I want to be in the moment. I don’t want to turn into one of those people who spend more time engaging with a device than with actual people. I also know too many restaurant owners (me included) who cringe when they see customers hovering over a plate of previously hot food, angling to get the perfect shot. I don’t want to be that guy!

Most importantl­y, I don’t want to send mixed messages to my daughters, whom my wife and I occasional­ly need to remind to join us at the dinner table and engage with us, instead of their phones. All that aside, I’m open to the possibilit­y that a more personal presence on social media could be a fun way to share my love of food and interact. If I can use it in a way that makes sense for me, and enhances the experience for others, you may see me there one day.

 ?? RICARDO MEDIA INC ?? “Do people really want to to know what I ate for breakfast today?” Ricardo ponders.
RICARDO MEDIA INC “Do people really want to to know what I ate for breakfast today?” Ricardo ponders.
 ?? ?? Ricardo

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