Toronto Star

Ontario launches ad blitz against federal carbon pricing


It’s a different kind of climate change.

Premier Doug Ford’s Progressiv­e Conservati­ves have launched their first taxpayerfu­nded TV commercial attacking the federal carbon-pricing plan as nickel-and-diming Ontarians.

The 30-second spot, part of Ford’s $30-million push against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s carbon plan, depicts nickels cascading as the bounty from a casino slot machine.

“You’re paying a nickel more per litre,” a female narrator intones as coins flow from the nozzle as a woman tries to fill up her car at a gas station.

“Then, your heating bills are a few nickels higher,” the narrator continues as a man reading the newspaper on his couch watches change spill out of the vent in his living room onto his hardwood floor.

“And food’s up a nickel or two,” the narrator adds against a backdrop of supermarke­t shoppers being showered with nickels flying off of shelves.

“This will cost Ontario families $648 a year,” she says.

“Ontario has a better way: holding the biggest polluters accountabl­e; reducing trash; and keeping our lakes clean. A carbon tax isn’t the only way to fight climate change.”

In the ad, there is no sign of the mandatory blue stickers highlighti­ng the cost of the federal carbon pricing. Gas stations must post the decals on every pump under threat of fines up to $10,000 a day.

The Star first revealed the massive advertisin­g blitz on March 31, the day before Ottawa’s measures took effect.

At the time, the Tories were considerin­g an ad that depicted the federal government as a hand reaching into a vehicle and stealing some coins from the motorist. That same hand was also shown inserting change into a thermostat as an elderly woman sets the temperatur­e in her home.

The province’s ad does not mention the federal tax rebates designed to offset higher fuel costs. For a family of four, it is set to rise from $307 now to $718 annually by 2022 for a net gain of $70 per household that year.

Trudeau’s program, designed curb greenhouse gas emissions that scientists say contribute to climate change, is being bankrolled by big industrial polluters.

While the new ad appears to contravene the old Government Advertisin­g Act, watered down by the previous Liberal administra­tion in 2015, the Conservati­ves are in no rush to amend the legislatio­n despite an election pledge to do so.

While in opposition, the Tories promised to revive the auditor general’s powers to veto ads deemed politicall­y partisan.

In her annual report last year, auditor general Bonnie Lysyk noted she is no longer empowered to look at taxpayer-funded commercial­s for “factual accuracy, context or tone to determine whether an item is partisan.”

“We recommend that the previous version of the Government Advertisin­g Act, 2004 as it appeared on June 3, 2015, be reinstated,” she wrote in December.

Lysyk had publicly blasted previous Liberal premier Kathleen Wynne’s ads that promoted Ontario’s cap-and-trade environmen­tal alliance with Quebec and California. Ford scrapped that pact last summer.

In 2016, the auditor objected to an ad featuring environmen­talist David Suzuki speaking to an auditorium of children, where he lectured them that “if we don’t act now, the damage could be irreversib­le.”

“Who will have to live with the consequenc­es? You,” Suzuki told the youngsters.

 ?? GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO ?? Premier Doug Ford’s Progressiv­e Conservati­ves have launched their first taxpayer-funded TV commercial attacking the federal carbon-pricing plan as nickel-and-diming Ontarians.
GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO Premier Doug Ford’s Progressiv­e Conservati­ves have launched their first taxpayer-funded TV commercial attacking the federal carbon-pricing plan as nickel-and-diming Ontarians.

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