Toronto Star

Back for another SWING

Boyish Spidey has a new setting but keeps amusing characters and grounded adventures of last film


Spider-Man: Far From Home

1/2 (out of 4) Starring Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal, Samuel L. Jackson, Zendaya, Jacob Batalon, Marisa Tomei and Jon Favreau. Written by Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers. Directed by Jon Watts. OpensTuesd­ay at theatres everywhere. 129 minutes. PG

Spider-Man: Far From Home finds Tom Holland agreeably continuing as the most boyish Spidey yet, even as the film risks fan fury by spinning unfamiliar webs.

It takes some kind of chutzpah to make light of the dramatic tragedy of the recent Avengers movies, In

finity War and Endgame, wherein half of humanity was turned to dust and restored five years later — but at a huge cost.

It’s now referred to as “the Blip,” and the movie trades tears about lost heroes for laughs about how the aging process has been interrupte­d.

Another dicey propositio­n is sending Spider-Man and his funky high-school pals away from their diverse New York neighbourh­ood on a generic European tour of Venice canals, London bridges and a certain Parisian tower.

The trip will of course be interrupte­d by sly villains and CGI monsters called Elementals, although it seems more like a Scooby-Doo caper than a typical Marvel Cinematic Universe planet-saver. Ruh-roh! Yet one of the most charming aspects of Spider-Man: Homecoming, in which Holland launched Marvel’s third bigscreen iteration of the sticky superhero, was how different it was from a typical MCU movie. It really was more about the ’hood than all of humankind.

Far From Home, opening on Tuesday July 2 and directed by Homecoming’s Jon Watts, holds fast to that iconoclast­ic homeboy spirit.

Returning screenwrit­ers Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers also worked on Ant-Man and the Wasp; they clearly have an affinity for off-brand Marvel humour.

And, I’m delighted to report, the characters of Far From Home remain every bit the awkwardly amusing teens they were in Homecoming.

Holland’s spider-bitten Peter Parker is still coming to terms with his awesome powers, which oblige him to fight evil even while on vacation — as watchful S.H.I.E.L.D. authority figures Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) never fail to remind him.

Also on his case is Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau), who prods memories of (and expectatio­ns from) Tony Stark, Spidey’s late mentor.

Really, though, all Peter really cares about is Michelle Jones (Zendaya), MJ for short, the free-spirited girl he’s trying to figure out how to woo (and vice-versa). He’s so determined to put Spidey on ice for the summer, he doesn’t pack his costume — although his (s)mothering Aunt May (Marisa Tomei) does inspect his luggage.

Peter is the dumbest smart kid you ever met, and Holland plays him with Jimmy Stewart stoicism and good cheer.

Along for the pleasant ride are his geeky pals Ned (Jacob Batalon) and Betty (Angourie Rice), who defy expectatio­ns, and rivals/annoyances Brad (Remy Hii) and Flash (Tony Revolori), who do exactly what you’d expect they’d do.

Commanding most of Peter’s (and Spidey’s) attention is Jake Gyllenhaal’s Quentin Beck, a mysterious being with an alter ego of his own called Mysterio — duh — who resembles Thor, but with his head stuck in a goldfish bowl.

But he’s more fun to watch than the aforementi­oned Elementals, rampaging giants made from water, wind and fire (did I miss the dirt one?) who are hardly the “Avengers-level event” they’re hyped to be.

But hey — this ain’t an Avengers movie. As some serious person says, it’s time to move on, boys and girls.

Do I need to tell you to stick around through the endless credits?

But you may be in for a surprise this time.

 ?? SONY PICTURES ?? Spider-Man: Far From Home spins unfamiliar webs, such as a trip to Europe, Peter Howell writes.
SONY PICTURES Spider-Man: Far From Home spins unfamiliar webs, such as a trip to Europe, Peter Howell writes.
 ?? JAY MAIDMENT SONY PICTURES ?? Spidey (and Peter) meets Jake Gyllenhaal’s Quentin Beck, a mysterious being with an alter ego of his own called Mysterio.
JAY MAIDMENT SONY PICTURES Spidey (and Peter) meets Jake Gyllenhaal’s Quentin Beck, a mysterious being with an alter ego of his own called Mysterio.

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