Toronto Star

Durham cop dismissed for assisting crooks

Kramp among several busted during mid 2012 drug traffickin­g sweep


The long legal and disciplina­ry odyssey of a Durham police officer charged seven years ago with providing informatio­n to known criminals has ended in dismissal.

Tara Kramp, a Durham police officer since 1998, engaged in contact with “several drug dealers in the Oshawa region,” during which she conducted searches of the national Canadian Police Informatio­n Centre and the Durham Records Management System, then passed along informatio­n, according to an agreed statement of facts entered at a tribunal.

“We all make mistakes. However, this officer has crossed the line on too many occasions,” hearing officer Morris Elbers said Wednesday in delivering judgment.

“She was known on the street as a dirty cop,” Elbers said.

“If Const. Kramp was to remain a member of the Durham Regional Police Service, the damage to the reputation of the service would be very high indeed.”

The decision brings to an end a protracted disciplina­ry process during which Kramp pleaded guilty to Police Services Act charges. The sentencing hearing, which began in 2016, spanned three years. Kramp’s dismissal is immediate, Elbers, a retired OPP superinten­dent, indicated.

When Durham police busted several people suspected of drug traffickin­g in mid-2012, Kramp was among them. The Crown eventually dropped drug charges against Kramp and she pleaded guilty to breach of trust and unsafe storage of a firearm.

Kramp was then charged under the Police Services Act with discredita­ble conduct and insubordin­ation, based on her conviction and her refusal to speak with profession­al standards investigat­ors following her arrest.

During the hotly-contested sentencing hearing on the Police Act charges, Kramp’s defence lawyer, Sandip Khehra, urged Elbers to give the officer a second chance, noting that at the time of the offences Kramp was in the depths of severe alcoholism.

Kramp has been sober since her arrest in 2012, he said.

Khehra implored Elbers to consider Kramp’s potential for rehabilita­tion, a process he asserted she had already begun by pleading guilty to her criminal and Police Act charges, and her pursuit of treatment for substance abuse.

He said Kramp would agree to frequent screening for alcohol use were she to be put back to work by the Durham police.

The prosecutio­n, led by lawyers Ian Johnstone and Alex Sinclair, argued Kramp’s conduct was so egregious and her reputation so tarnished that there is no way she could ever again effectivel­y function as a police officer.

The prosecutio­n cited the nature of Kramp’s offences, which included providing informatio­n to an associate of the Hells Angels. At one point she instructed a drug dealer under investigat­ion to “clean up,” the tribunal heard.

Kramp surely knew the seriousnes­s of the behaviour she engaged in, Johnstone said during submission­s.

“This has nothing to do with alcoholism,” Johnstone said. “Nothing.”

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