Toronto Star


- Jacqueline­

IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: This year, you’ll gain an understand­ing of others and what drives them. You could find some of their motivation­s curious. If single, you’ll get into the dating process. Try to steer away from anyone who is emotionall­y unavailabl­e. If you’re attached, you and your partner seem more connected than you have been in a while. You enjoy being together as a couple. Gemini always has interestin­g perception­s and feedback for you.


Although you could have the best intentions, what you say might be taken too literally, even if you mean to be humorous. Weigh the pros and cons of going to the movies, a concert or some other place where you don’t need to talk. You’ll get into less trouble. Tonight: Think about tomorrow. This week: A change on the home front will become possible soon, if not immediatel­y.


You might want to rein in your spending. You love beautiful things. You appreciate quality. Those natural inclinatio­ns easily can get you into trouble. You could convince your sweetie to pitch in and pay for such purchases. Tonight: Enjoying the moment. This week: You love baubles and things in general. You might surprise yourself with a purchase.


All eyes turn to you. Although you might not be doing anything differentl­y, you seem wittier and more content than you usually do. A partner cannot get enough of you. If single, you have quite the entourage. Tonight: Let it all hang out. This week: You could opt to not make a purchase, as much as you might want to. If you do make the purchase, you will be thrilled at first ...


Your emotions take over before you can restrain yourself. Perhaps sharing what’s in your heart is better. Don’t take someone’s first reaction personally. This person will probably change his or her mind. Tonight: Keep it calm. This week: Your intensity and moodiness translate into magnetism. Go for what you want.

LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22)

Your friends could come up with a provocativ­e set of plans that you don’t want to say no to. On the other hand, a child or loved one could feel left out. See whether blending the two different relationsh­ip types is possible. You’ll be happier. Tonight: You could see the sunrise. This week: If you can disappear mid-week, do. The end of the week improves.

VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)

An older relative would appreciate your company. This person adores you but might not be expressive. Make it your pleasure to go out to lunch or the movies together. If you understood how important this afternoon time could be to this person, you’d smile. Tonight: Out late. This week: Accept the limelight. Accept the responsibi­lity.

LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22)

You might want to see a situation differentl­y. Listen to the other parties involved and imagine being each one of them. You’ll gain a better sense of what’s going on. Keep it light. Tonight: Accept an invitation out and about. This week: Go for what you want. Success will be yours if you break though rigid thinking.


You express a willingnes­s to share more with a specific person. One-on-one relating could be rewarding. You’ll enjoy yourself so much that you could forget your budget. Enjoy, but don’t make a big deal of doing so. Tonight: Out. This week: A close loved one seems to become a major force yet controllin­g at the same time. Chill.


No matter what you decide to do, you’ll tend to go to excess. A partner or loved one could come up with one tempting idea after the other. Go for the moment; you’re likely to have a blast while you’re out. Tonight: Dinner out. This week: Defer and you will be a lot happier. This theme holds all week long.


You have a lot to do and complete. Focus on one item at a time; you’ll reach your goal fast enough. Don’t be tempted by a friend to toss your schedule into the air and join him or her. You might enjoy yourself now, but the consequenc­es might not be amusing. Tonight: Complete rather than begin. This week: Follow another person’s lead. You will like what occurs.


Your inner child demands release. You’re likely to pursue some hobby that you’ve enjoyed for years. A friend or several friends would love to join in. You feel silly but have a great time. Tonight: Dance the night away. This week: Your playfulnes­s cannot be subdued, except maybe Tuesday or Wednesday. Enjoy the lightness.


You might be more tense than you realize. Your source of stress might come from a judgment that you’re making around your personal life. If you can clear the air or have a helpful talk, do that. Tonight: Forget problems; go out. This week: You might be slow to get going, yet you display unusual creativity from Tuesday on. For some, love knocks on the door.

BORN TODAY: Actress Lizzy Caplan (1982), Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps (1985), boxer Mike Tyson (1966)

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