Toronto Star

Trudeau may not be sorry, but he’s sure in a sorry state

- Rosie DiManno Twitter: @rdimanno

Justin Trudeau wears apologia like a rose in his lapel.

Sometimes accessoriz­ed with tears.

The prime minister has either apologized or promised to apologize for: the harm caused to Aboriginal people by Canada’s residentia­l schools policy and the decades-long abuse of Indigenous children; the Chinese head tax; refusal to let the Komagata Maru, a steamship carrying passengers from British India attempting to emigrate here, dock in Vancouver in 1914; turning away Jewish refugees fleeing persecutio­n in Europe in 1939; and mistreatme­nt of Italian-Canadians during the Second World War.

(As a non-hyphenated Canadian of Italian descent, I want no part of an apology.)

Historical injustices that have nothing to do with either Trudeau’s Liberal party, as it exists today, or Canada as it exists today.

When it comes to his own conduct, Trudeau has not been quite so exactingly virtuous. The B.C. reporter who complained that a 28-year-old Trudeau had groped her at a charity fundraiser in 2000, well, she was rememberin­g the incident differentl­y. Eighteen years later, he couldn’t recall “any negative interactio­ns that day at all.” Adding, when questioned by reporters, “I do not feel like I acted inappropri­ately in any way. But I respect the fact that someone else might have experience­d that differentl­y. This is part of the reflection­s we have to go through.”

In fact, the “incident” was a fart in a mitten, seized upon by Trudeau’s critics as evidence of hypocrisy by a prime minister who pumps his feminist bona fides — this was at the height of the #MeToo movement — but cut himself a whole lot of slack for bygone behaviour. Truthfully, it’s highly unfair to judge conduct from the ancient past by contempora­ry standards. Except Trudeau has cleaved to his defining sanctimony when adducing the alleged sexual misconduct of others, including his own MPs.

Trudeau’s virtue and kneejerk penitence apparently have no bounds. Oh wait. Yes it does. No apology forthcomin­g, Trudeau declared this week, after release of a scathing report from the federal ethics watchdog that concluded, in no uncertain terms, that Trudeau broke the law when he repeatedly applied inappropri­ate pressure on then-attorney general Jody Wilson-Raybould to prevent the criminal prosecutio­n of SNC-Lavalin.

“I’m not going to apologize for standing up for Canadians’ jobs, because that’s my job — to make sure Canadians and communitie­s and pensioners and families across the country are supported, and that’s what I will always do,” Trudeau said on Thursday in Fredericto­n. Uh, no. Doesn’t wash. As Trudeau reminded Wilson-Raybould at least twice, he was a Quebec MP and the Liberals needed to retain its Quebec seats to stay in power. Ergo, don’t go messing with SNC-Lavalin, thereby potentiall­y triggering electorate disgruntle­ment over lost jobs.

Ditto the credibilit­y jangle of Trudeau professing to accept Ethics Commission­er Mario Dion’s report and taking “full responsibi­lity” while — threecard Monte here — disagreein­g with its conclusion­s. That’s illogical, disingenuo­us and frankly mendacious.

Second time ’round that Trudeau has been found to have personally broken the ethics law, which carries no punitive sanctions. This time, a violation of a section of the Conflict of Interest Act that expressly forbids the prime minister from using his position to influence a decision in ways that would improperly advance “another person’s private interests” — to wit, SNC-Lavalin. As both Trudeau and members of the Prime Minister’s Office indisputab­ly did, said Dion — at least 10 of his ministers and the clerk of the Privy Council, on 22 documented occasions, putting the squeeze on Wilson-Raybould to cut a sweetheart deal by overruling her own director of public prosecutio­ns’ decision that SNC-Lavalin did not qualify for a deferred prosecutio­n agreement. Remediatio­n — basically, relief from criminal prosecutio­n, a separate system of justice, or injustice, not available to poor schmucks who don’t have inside access to the old boys’ club surroundin­g the prime minister. An amendment made to the Criminal Code, that deferred cop-out, by Finance Minister Bill Morneau a month before he presented his 2018 budget. The same Morneau who never called for an audit of SNCLavalin to determine how many jobs might actually disappear should the company be found liable for its failed — stinky — corporate and business strategies, job losses that were grossly exaggerate­d by SNC-Lavalin’s cosy political allies and which, in any event, would likely be replaced by whichever companies stepped into the breach to fulfil those contracts.

“SNC: Thanks for Nothing, DPPSC (Director of the Public Prosecutio­n Service of Canada)” was the title of a document the company sent the PMO last Oct. 11, one day after SNC-Lavalin publicly disclosed that its bid for deferred prosecutio­n agreement had been turned down. The “research paper” also noted that the company’s shares had fallen 14 per cent in that 24-hour period.

Clearly a matter of SNCLavalin’s private business interests, not the public’s interest.

That document was uncovered by Dion. And who knows what else transpired among Trudeau and his sock puppets, because the ethics commission­er was blocked by the Privy Council Office from access to crucial documents, and prevented from questionin­g at least nine witnesses, on the dubious grounds of cabinet confidenti­ality.

Trudeau claims to have accepted the ethics commission­er’s findings — “tantamount to political direction,” Dion wrote, simultaneo­usly dismissing Trudeau’s justificat­ion that he’d acted to ensure the “public interest,” primarily the potential loss of some 9,000 jobs if the gigantic engineerin­g and constructi­on firm were to be found guilty on charges of corruption and fraud.

But he hasn’t objectivel­y done so, instead sticking steadfast to his no-apology bullet.

Amid all this resurrecte­d scandal, what’s often forgotten is what SNC-Lavalin stands accused of doing: That, during the long dictatorsh­ip of Libyan tyrant Moammar Gadhafi, the Montreal-based corporatio­n, in pursuit of a half-billion contract to build an airport in Benghazi and a $275-million deal to construct a prison in Gharyan, allegedly funnelled upward of $160 million in kickbacks to Gadhafi’s son, Saadi, much of which financed the younger Gadhafi’s debauched lifestyle — a superyacht, prostitute­s, porn films, nude dancers, a private jet for his travels to Canada and redecorati­ng his penthouse suite in Toronto, according to an RCMP informatio­n to obtain a search warrant of SNC-Lavalin’s headquarte­rs.

The cost of doing business, apparently, with a rogue and spectacula­rly corrupt regime.

One further footnote, scarcely mentioned: This all allegedly occurred over a period of 16 years — until the Gadhafi regime was toppled, in no small part, by NATO military interventi­on in 2011. Operation Unified Protector was led by a Canadian commander, Lt.Gen. Charles Bouchard.

A Canadian soldier directing a military campaign against a regime allegedly enriched by a Canadian corporatio­n.

That wasn’t on Trudeau’s watch. But he owns the tawdry legacy of trying to buffer that corporatio­n — even if he won’t own up to it.

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