Toronto Star

‘Wake up, world,’ Kashmir cries

People take to streets, defying unpreceden­ted security restrictio­ns


NEW DELHI— Hundreds of people defied unpreceden­ted security restrictio­ns and held a street protest in Indian-controlled Kashmir on Friday, as India’s government assured the Supreme Court that the situation in the disputed region is being reviewed daily and the restrictio­ns will be removed over the next few days.

Carrying green Islamic flags and placards reading “Stop Genocide in Kashmir, Wake Up, World,” young and old people took to the streets in Srinagar, the region’s main city. Some hurled stones and clashed with security forces, who responded with tear gas.

Earlier Friday, a senior Indian official in Kashmir, B.V.R. Subrahmany­am, confirmed there would be some loosening of restrictio­ns on the region’s residents, saying that landline phone services would be restored gradually beginning Friday night and schools reopened from Monday. He didn’t announce any immediate restoratio­n of mobile phone service.

A heavy troop presence and restrictio­ns including a nearconsta­nt curfew and a news blackout remained in place for a12th day. The government imposed the lockdown to avoid a violent reaction to its decision on Aug. 5 to downgrade Muslim-majority Kashmir’s autonomy.

The Supreme Court decided to give the government more time before ruling on a petition demanding the lifting of media restrictio­ns following its assurances that they will be eased soon, attorney Vrinda Grover told reporters. She represents Kashmir Times editor Anuradha Bhasin, who said she was unable to publish her newspaper in Srinagar.

Subrahmany­am also said that government offices had started functionin­g normally. He said Friday’s prayers were held peacefully and life in 12 of the region’s 22 districts was almost back to normal. Public transport will be restored gradually after evaluating the security situation, he said.

“Some preventive arrests were made in the region as a preventive measure to maintain law and order,” Subrahmany­am said.

Meanwhile, the family of a Kashmiri journalist said he has been detained by the Indian armed forces. Irfan Amin Malik works for Greater Kashmir, one of the largest newspapers in Kashmir.

Malik’s father, Mohammed Amin Malik, told The Associated Press that Malik was arrested late Wednesday at his house in Tral in Pulwama, a southern district in Kashmir.

Principal Secretary Rohit Kansal of the Jammu and Kashmir region said he was looking into the case. Jammu and Kashmir police chief Dilbagh Singh declined to comment.

Malik is the first journalist known to have been detained since India’s decision to revoke Kashmir’s special constituti­onal status. The decision has raised tensions with Pakistan. The nuclear-armed rivals both claim Kashmir and the Himalayan region is divided between them.

 ?? ATUL LOKE THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? A heavy troop presence and restrictio­ns including a news blackout remained for a 12th day.
ATUL LOKE THE NEW YORK TIMES A heavy troop presence and restrictio­ns including a news blackout remained for a 12th day.

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