Toronto Star

Debating merits of gun controls


Re Consider doing more to tackle roots of violence, Tory tells PM, Aug. 14

It is dishearten­ing to hear the tiresome refrain that “Toronto can’t arrest its way out of” the gun problem. This is just another way to distract from and defer legislatio­n banning public ownership of assault-style weapons and handguns.

Arresting those who commit gun crimes may not solve the gun problem by itself, and additional measures like more youth community centres, more policing and enhanced border security are all worth pursuing.

However, restrictin­g the acquisitio­n of guns through strong federal legislatio­n should be a key part of the strategy to reduce gun crime.

It is common sense that fewer private guns means fewer guns for criminals to borrow or steal. Strong gun legislatio­n goes hand in hand with other initiative­s to improve public safety.

The time for dithering is over, and the time to take bold legislativ­e action at the federal level is now. This is a crucial election issue that all political parties should heed. Pamela Mulligan, Grimsby, Ont.

Re A Canada-wide gun ban would save many lives, Mallick, Aug. 14, and Get moving on all the solutions, Editorial, Aug. 8

Too bad Heather Mallick and the Star editorial board don’t stick to provable facts.

In her second paragraph, Mallick refers to “easily stolen guns.” I am a handgun owner and target shooter. Like all those I know, my firearms are in a locked safe that is bolted into place and not visible to the casual visitor. My ammunition is in a separate part of the building in a locked room, kept in a locked container. I know of others who go even further and have their safes in a separate, alarmed room in their home.

Registered firearm owners are the most responsibl­e, safety conscious people in the country. They have undergone training and been subject to a broad background check before they are able to purchase their firearms. These responsibl­e citizens abhor those who would misuse the privilege of owning firearms, and would gladly see them locked up if they illegally sell a firearm to an unqualifie­d purchaser.

Meanwhile, your editorial inferred that the number of legally acquired firearms used in crimes is increasing. What statistics back up this statement? George M. McCaig, Burlington

Re More police not the answer, experts say, Aug. 15

I wholeheart­edly agree with sociologis­t Akwasi Owusu Bempah that the efforts by three levels of government to give $1.5 million to address gun violence is a Band-Aid solution.

Money needs to be directed to community programs for at-risk youth and to address the gang problem. Sentencing of criminals should reflect what they did and be substantia­ted as to be a deterrent.

My son, Justin Bokma, was shot and killed with LeFranc Matthews in Kensington market. I have a vested interest in gun violence.

The government has to wake up to the safety of the city and its people. I worry about my young grandchild­ren and I hear other mothers who worry every time their child walks out the door.

We all have the responsibi­lity to let the government know we will no longer accept this. Don’t be complacent that it won’t happen to you. No one is safe.

We can no longer just go along with our daily lives. If you don’t believe this, pick up a newspaper or listen to the news.

I like many others are tired of our mantra, “It has to stop!” Nancy Bokma, Toronto

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