Toronto Star

No. Historical informatio­n must be protected

- RYDER GILLILAND CONTRIBUTO­R Ryder Gilliland is a partner at DMG Advocates LLP and the current president of the Canadian Media Lawyers’ Associatio­n.

In 2014, the European Court of Human Rights’ ruling in Google Spain found that data protection laws required search engines such as Google to delete “inadequate, irrelevant, or no longer relevant” search results on request.

The so-called right of individual­s to have informatio­n about themselves de-indexed from search results has become known as “the right to be forgotten.”

Since the right to be forgotten became law in Europe, Google receives requests to de-index an average of 45,000 European web addresses a month. In each case, Google must make an assessment as to whether the individual’s interest in having the informatio­n de-indexed outweighs the public’s right to access lawful informatio­n.

Statistics available through Google’s Transparen­cy Report show that in the first three years that de-indexing was available in Europe, 20 per cent of all requests related to news outlets and government websites, predominan­tly those with informatio­n about legal proceeding­s.

A small number of requesters, mostly law firms and reputation management firms, accounted for 15 per cent of all requests.

In other words, the right to be forgotten is frequently exercised by individual­s with the means to hire lawyers and public relations firms to hide lawful public records of their alleged or actual crimes and misdeeds, and news media are frequent targets of de-indexing requests.

These statistics should give strong pause to those advocating for a right to be forgotten in Canada.

Criminal and disciplina­ry proceeding­s are public because it has long been understood that the social benefits of publicity outweigh the potential harm and embarrassm­ent to the individual­s involved.

Even where someone has been acquitted, which Google lists as a considerat­ion in favour of allowing a de-indexing request, the proceeding­s should remain part of the public record.

As Louis Brandeis famously wrote more than a century ago, “sunlight is the best disinfecta­nt.” No public good can come from effectivel­y erasing a public prosecutio­n from history. The notion that individual­s have a privacy right to erase public records is misguided. No such right exists.

A further concern about the right to be forgotten is that search engines are left to police the scope of its applicatio­n. This is particular­ly troubling in the case of news articles.

It is illogical and likely unconstitu­tional in Canada to burden search engines with the task of determinin­g whether access to their news stories remains in the public interest. If a news article is ever to be deleted from the public record, the publisher should be making that determinat­ion.

News media create the historical record. As a rule, articles in the news media are unpublishe­d very rarely and only after careful considerat­ion by editors. This editorial function should not be usurped by search engines enforcing an ill-defined right.

There is also no need for a right to be forgotten to be applied to search engines because content on the internet is already highly regulated. Criminal laws protect against content such as hate speech or child pornograph­y; defamation laws protect against reputation­al harm; privacy laws protect against privacy violations, and copyright and trademark laws protect intellectu­al property rights. These laws have developed over centuries and are carefully tailored to balance the interests at play in each case.

Rather than a broad right to be forgotten, what is required is careful considerat­ion of the necessaril­y rare circumstan­ces in which it is desirable to de-index lawful online informatio­n. This debate should take place in the legislatur­e and it should result in a list of carefully defined circumstan­ces where content can be de-indexed on request.

The alternativ­e, the creation of a broad right to be forgotten to be policed by search engines, is a recipe for abuse. It will result, as it has in Europe, in efforts to distort the historical record at the expense of constituti­onally protected media rights and of the public’s right to know.

In an era when increasing efforts to distort the public record are well documented, the creation of a right to be forgotten is a big step in the wrong direction.

Now, more than ever, every effort should be made to ensure that an accurate historical record is preserved.

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