Toronto Star

Chantal Hébert on Bernier’s home province troubles,

- Chantal Hébert Twitter: @ChantalHbe­rt

MONTREAL— Maxime Bernier’s bid to take part in the election debates took a big hit last week when Quebec’s biggest private television network declined to include him in its leaders’ roster. Things are definitive­ly not coming up roses for the People’s Party leader in his home province.

Over the course of a few days, Bernier lost face over remarks about the mental health of climate change activist Greta Thunberg, saw his best-known Quebec candidate withdraw from the campaign and was refused a ticket to the debate most liable to put him more squarely on the province’s map.

The TVA election debate, to be broadcast on Oct. 2, will offer voters their first opportunit­y to watch Justin Trudeau on the leaders’ podium.

Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer, the New Democrats’ Jagmeet Singh and the Bloc Québécois’ Yves-François Blanchet will all be on hand. Bernier along with Green Party Leader Elizabeth May did not make the cut.

In contrast with Bernier, May will have another opportunit­y to make her case to francophon­e voters at the time of the French-language debate held under the auspices of the federal debates commission on Oct. 10.

Short of a reversal of the commission’s preliminar­y decision to exclude Bernier from that lineup, the Beauce MP will not be part of any of the debates, in French or in English. The final decision on his participat­ion is to be rendered on Sept. 16.

If anything, Bernier’s exclusion from the TVA debate may shore up the commission’s finding that his party does not have a reasonable chance of having MPs elected and, on that basis, fails to meet the criteria for participat­ing in the exercise.

This latest developmen­t is good news for Scheer’s Conservati­ve party. The Conservati­ves hope to kill Bernier’s embryonic breakaway party in the bud by defeating him in Beauce on Oct. 21.

As opposed to May, whose still limited proficienc­y in French limits her capacity to advance her party’s case in such forums, Bernier would have scored points locally just by being on the TVA podium along with the other leaders.

The network’s official reason for excluding Bernier is that his party, like May’s, has never elected an MP in the province. But had TVA really wanted the PPC leader to participat­e, it could have tweaked its rule.

In more auspicious circumstan­ces for his nascent party, the fact that Bernier holds a seat in Quebec might have been considered good enough to satisfy the debate’s organizers.

But for that to happen, TVA would have had to take Bernier seriously, or it would at least have had to decide that his contributi­on to the exchanges would make for a livelier debate. Instead, Quebec’s dominant private network came to the conclusion that the PPC leader would only diminish the credibilit­y of its exercise.

For many, the Thunberg tweet was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Bernier spent last week trying to walk back his social media depiction of the 16-year-old climate activist as “mentally unstable.” The dubious comment was part of a series of increasing­ly shrill tweets designed to hammer away at the notion that collective hysteria is at the core of the current climate-change debate.

That outburst was a rhetorical bridge too far for many of the commentato­rs who might otherwise have argued for his inclusion in the debate in the name of putting as diverse a range of policy ideas on offer as possible.

The Thunberg controvers­y came at a time when the media is paying more attention to the PPC’s Quebec roster.

Even in a province that has become so used to having placeholde­r federal candidates that it has a specific word to describe them, some of the “poteaux” standing in for the PPC are raising eyebrows.

Until last week, when he resigned his candidacy for family reasons, Bernier’s bestknown Quebec recruit was former union leader Ken Pereira, once a star witness at the provincial commission on corruption in the constructi­on industry.

Last spring, The Canadian Press reported that Pereira was a particular­ly active spreader of fake news and conspiracy theories.

He was not alone. Based on an investigat­ive report published by La Presse on Monday, the PPC is home to an echo chamber for false reports, often on themes identified with the extreme right in Quebec and elsewhere.

The Montreal daily unearthed at least 15 other Quebec PPC candidates who have been using their Facebook pages to disseminat­e dubious or fake informatio­n.

Those ranged from allegation­s that Trudeau’s party has been infiltrate­d by Islamist cells to a false claim that tens of thousands of scientists had signed a petition to deny the existence of climate change.

There may have been a time, early on in Bernier’s latest leadership adventure, when he could have hoped to enjoy native-son treatment in his home province. But Quebec’s affection for leaders from the province has usually been conditiona­l on not feeling embarrasse­d by their performanc­e.

 ??  ?? Maxime Bernier won’t be allowed to participat­e in TVA’s debate on Oct. 2 in Quebec.
Maxime Bernier won’t be allowed to participat­e in TVA’s debate on Oct. 2 in Quebec.
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