Toronto Star

Seeing the light


To hear Friends and Families for Safe Streets tell it, you’d think it was a crime for pedestrian­s to be visible at night.

Indeed, the group is up in arms over the fact that Toronto police officers shared tips at a pedestrian safety event where seniors were outfitted with reflective arm bands.

According to the safe-street advocates, that amounts to “victim blaming.” Really? We thought it was just being sensible. After all, police officers, constructi­on workers, cyclists and runners all wear reflective gear and even battery-operated arm bands and lights to ensure they’re visible at night. So why shouldn’t seniors do it, too? As Scarboroug­h North Councillor Cynthia Lai, who helped organize the safety event, says, it’s about being “proactive.”

Sure, the city must do its part to build safer streets and enforce laws against speeding and distracted and drunk driving. But why is it acceptable to teach defensive driving techniques to help young drivers watch out for the other guy, but not teach pedestrian­s about safety measures they can use.

After all, they’re the most vulnerable people on the roads. Sadly, 34 pedestrian­s have been killed in collisions in the city of Toronto so far this year.

“Visibility is a key contributi­ng factor in many pedestrian road and traffic incidents,” points out Deputy Chief Peter Yuen of the Toronto police.

That only makes sense. But you wouldn’t know that to hear a spokeswoma­n for Friends and Families for Safe Streets. She insists that reflective arm bands will “have no impact.”

We’d rather take the word of the World Health Organizati­on, which begs to differ. In its manual on making walking safe, it advises authoritie­s to educate pedestrian­s about the value of wearing light-coloured clothing and reflective materials.

Makes sense to us. Lai’s event should be the first of many across the city.

34 pedestrian­s have been killed in collisions in the city of Toronto so far this year

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