Toronto Star

Kenney’s complaints minor compared to climate change

- Thomas Walkom is a Toronto-based columnist covering politics. Follow him on Twitter: @tomwalkom Thomas Walkom

In Ottawa, western alienation is seen as the crisis du jour. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is mobilizing every Liberal with a tie to Alberta or Saskatchew­an that he can think of.

Thus Chrystia Freeland, his newly minted deputy prime minister is dispatched west to remind Albertans that she grew up in the province’s Peace River district.

Thus Manitoba MP Jim Carr, a former cabinet minister now undergoing cancer treatment, is put back in harness to act as Trudeau’s special representa­tive to the West.

Thus former Newfoundla­nd television reporter Seamus O’Regan is named energy minister simply because he hails from a province that, like Saskatchew­an and Alberta, has oil.

All of this is done in an effort to mollify westerners and compensate for the federal Liberal party’s failure to win any seats in Alberta and Saskatchew­an.

It is done under pressure from Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and Saskatchew­an Premier Scott Moe, both of whom want the Trudeau government to back away from measures it has already enacted — including reforms designed to strengthen environmen­tal assessment requiremen­ts and limit West Coast oil tanker traffic.

And it has had the effect of diverting the minority Liberal government’s attention away from what is still the most pressing threat facing Canada — climate change.

This strange disjunctio­n came into focus Monday with the publicatio­n of the United Nations Environmen­tal Program’s latest report on the gap between what is being done and what needs to be done to fight climate change.

The report makes for grim reading. Scientists reckon that if Earth is to avoid global catastroph­e, the temperatur­e increase from pre-industrial times to the end of this century must be held to between 1.5 and 2 C. That in turn requires a dramatic reduction in carbon emissions released by the burning of fossil fuels, such as oil.

But as the UN report points out, global carbon emissions are not declining. They are rising.

Over the past decade, they have risen by 1.5 per cent a year. If this rate keeps up, by the end of the century global temperatur­es will be 3.2 C higher than they were in pre-industrial times, leading to even more catastroph­ic floods, wildfires and violent storms.

To avoid this, the report says, global carbon emissions must decline by 7.6 per cent a year for the next 10 years.

This is not an easy target to meet. Under the terms of the 2015 Paris Accord, signatory nations agreed only to set and meet their own carbon reduction targets, most of which were far less rigorous.

But even then, many — including Canada, the U.S., Japan, South Korea, South Africa, Brazil and Australia — didn’t comply.

The report notes that unless Canada does something quite different, it will fail to meet its self-imposed target of reducing carbon emissions to 30 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030. In fact, says the report, Canada’s emission levels will be 15 per cent above that target.

It is this failure that should be occupying the Liberal government’s mind. By comparison, Kenney’s complaints about the equalizati­on formula used to determine how much money have-not provinces get from Ottawa are minor.

Yet the federal Liberal government remains fixated on western alienation. Indeed, Trudeau’s decision to shuffle Catherine McKenna out of the environmen­t and climate change portfolio has been characteri­zed by some as another effort to appease the West.

McKenna was forthright about her difference­s with the oil and gas industry and presented herself as a champion in the war against climate change. This did not always make her popular in Alberta and Saskatchew­an energy circles.

Her successor, Jonathan Wilkinson, is lower key. He was also raised in Saskatchew­an. In Trudeau’s new government of would-be westerners, this is a definite plus.

 ?? AMBER BRACKEN THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Alberta Premier Jason Kenney meets Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland. Kenney’s pressure on Ottawa to back away from its environmen­tal measures has diverted the Liberals from the threat of climate change, Thomas Walkom writes.
AMBER BRACKEN THE CANADIAN PRESS Alberta Premier Jason Kenney meets Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland. Kenney’s pressure on Ottawa to back away from its environmen­tal measures has diverted the Liberals from the threat of climate change, Thomas Walkom writes.
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