Toronto Star

Can bond with mother be restored?

- Ellie Tesher is an advice columnist for the Star and based in Toronto. Send your relationsh­ip questions via email:

Q: I’ve recently been feeling anxiety about my past decisions regarding my mother. When I was young, she was an amazing mother, always working hard to provide for my siblings and me.

But things went downhill. She began drinking heavily and wasn’t able to hold a job.

She’d be gone for days, leaving me to care for my siblings.

She often got verbally/ physically abusive. When I turned 17, she kicked me out of the house. Children’s Protective Services got involved and my siblings were removed from the home into my care.

Throughout, I struggled to maintain a relationsh­ip with her, hoping she’d eventually realize that her drinking needed to stop.

I reached a breaking point for me and cut contact with her for my own mental health.

Years later, I’m now grown and married with a child.

It pains me that she wasn’t a part of my major milestones, as I’d dreamed she’d be when I was young.

I’ve recently heard that she’s attended court-ordered rehabilita­tion multiple times for her drinking since we last spoke.

I miss our old connection, but fear that again I’ll be let down and see that she hasn’t really changed. I’m wondering whether I should reach out and see if she’s changed her ways. Or should I continue as is and not concern myself with old hopes?

Missing My “Lost” Mother

A: She may not be able to

“change her ways” just when you want it to happen.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t take small steps toward her. It also doesn’t mean that she doesn’t want to reconnect with you.

Before you reach out, go on your own to a counsellor who deals with long-term alcoholics to ask what initial approaches work better than others.

For example, telling your mother that you worry about her health and would like her to have the years ahead to know her grandchild might spark a willingnes­s to see a doctor. It could be a start. The counsellor might also know specific local resources that have a better impact than others on alcoholic women.

I also urge you to personally attend, or be in touch with, an alcoholism support group to prepare yourself for this future meeting with your mom.

I mention Al-Anon frequently because of its long record helping family members and friends dealing with alcoholadd­icted loved ones.

There are also other resources you can find online, such as Secular Organizati­ons for Sobriety.

Based on the details that you’ve shared, and the research I’ve done, I also advise:

Though you long to soothe the girl you once were, make your early connection about her, not you.

While alcohol abuse is the problem, you both know it, so it doesn’t have to be discussed immediatel­y.

If you can meet/chat a few times without confrontin­g her drinking, she may relax enough to acknowledg­e that she needs help.

Some people will warn: Beware of being deceived, believing that the addict will only seek money or disappoint you in other ways.

But you’re an adult, experience­d with this situation, and wanting to give your mother another chance.

I say it’s worth a try, so long as you proceed wisely and armed with good informatio­n.

Some reader-recommende­d books that might help you learn what alcoholics face in trying to gain some control over their addiction include “Alcohol Explained” by William Porter, “The Naked Mind: Control Alcohol, Find Freedom & Change Your Life” and “The Alcohol Experiment,” both by Annie Grace. Ellie’s tip of the day

Hoping to reconnect with an alcoholic relative? Get informed about the best approaches and build trust slowly.

 ??  ?? Ellie ADVICE

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