Toronto Star

Saving lives against the odds


It was like a scene from a movie: Charles Cook’s car drove off the road and was airborne, then dangerousl­y skidded across multiple lanes before coming to a stop. Had a passerby not seen the wreck, Charles could have died that day.

The dramatic car crash was caused by a stroke due to a condition known as hypertroph­ic cardiomyop­athy (HCM), a disease that causes the muscle of the heart to thicken, restrictin­g blood flow and affecting the heart’s rhythm.

Charles was diagnosed with HCM as a teenager, but the disease lay dormant until the crash. The next 10 years of Charles’ life were filled with life-threatenin­g complicati­ons related to his HCM.

Finally, Charles was referred to Toronto General Hospital’s Peter Munk Cardiac Centre.

The doctor did not have good news for Charles. His heart was operating at only 30 per cent of what it should be. He needed a heart transplant to survive.

The diagnosis was the easy part. Now, Charles would have to wait. Thousands of patients just like Charles sit on the transplant list awaiting their donor organ match. It can take months – or even years – before an organ becomes available.

His doctors knew that Charles didn’t have that long. They implanted a small, battery-operated pump, known as a mechanical heart, into the left ventricle of the heart, which kept blood pumping to the rest of his body. The device afforded him the time he so desperatel­y needed.

Charles kept a positive attitude as he waited. One year later he received his heart transplant at the Sprott Department of Surgery. He was one of the lucky ones.

Against the odds, Charles survived. “The only reason I am alive today is cutting-edge technology,” says Charles. “Technology that was funded by donations. I’m living proof that philanthro­py works.”

Hospitals rely on philanthro­py to fund the developmen­t of groundbrea­king discoverie­s in health care. Donor support makes it possible for researcher­s and clinicians to develop and implement state-ofthe-art innovation­s, treatments and therapies that advance patient care and save more lives.

Today, Charles is thriving. He has a message for the hospital staff who saved his life: “There are no people I trust more than my doctors at Toronto General. From the bottom of my new heart, thank you.” To learn more about how you can help save lives, visit

 ??  ?? Charles Cook on the one year anniversar­y of his heart transplant.
Charles Cook on the one year anniversar­y of his heart transplant.

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