Toronto Star

Data reveals disparitie­s in doctor billings

- With files from Jesse McLean

It also reveals big gaps in pay within specialty groups. For example, the 90th-percentile pay for diagnostic radiologis­ts is $1,096,541 while the median pay is $622,281.

The database lists payments that doctors can claim for more than 7,000 publicly insured services contained in the OHIP schedule of benefits. Claims are made largely on the honour system.

Some Ontario physicians are not included in the database because they are not paid on a fee-for-service basis. For example, some specialist­s who work in emergency department­s, academic health science centres, long-term-care homes and on-call in hospitals are paid fixed rates. Many family doctors work in primary care group practices that can see them paid a set amount for each patient enrolled in their practices.

The Star is able to share this database following a five-year quest for public access to the billing records. After the province’s Health Ministry denied a freedom of informatio­n request for data on top billers in 2014, the Star successful­ly appealed to the office of the informatio­n and privacy commission­er.

Under a reinterpre­tation of Ontario’s Freedom of Informatio­n and Protection of Privacy Act, the commission found that doctors’ billings are business informatio­n. The ruling was subsequent­ly upheld by the Ontario Divisional Court and Court of Appeal for Ontario.

In April’s budget, the provincial government announced it would make billings public, much as it does with the annual Sunshine List of civil servants who make more than $100,000. Enabling legislatio­n expected before Christmas will also allow for tougher audits of OHIP claims.

Ontario privacy commission­er Brian Beamish says public disclosure of billings will help ensure accountabi­lity for spending of public funds.

“Taxpayers have a right to know how government is spending their money,” Beamish said. “The health sector is such a large portion of provincial spending and OHIP is such a large portion of that.”

Transparen­cy of billings can help taxpayers determine if they are getting good value for money, he added.

By getting access to billing data, the Star was able to raise questions in a previous investigat­ion about Chatham ophthalmol­ogist Christophe­r Anjema, who received $4,094,230 in OHIP payments in 2017-18.

The data showed he billed for a rare procedure — involving reconstruc­tion of the eyelid — at a frequency that an expert said is medically impossible. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario subsequent­ly charged Anjema with profession­al misconduct, alleging he was incompeten­t in his care of patients and inappropri­ately billed OHIP. He is to appear before a disciplina­ry tribunal of the college. Earlier he resigned from his post as head of ophthalmol­ogy at the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance.

For decades, the province’s doctors have struggled with the issue of fairness in pay. Disparitie­s between different specialty groups — an issue known as “relativity” — have grown, in part because technology has allowed some to work faster and bill more.

Last year, an internal Ontario Medical Associatio­n report obtained by the Star showed that the highest-billing specialtie­s are overpaid to the tune of 52 per cent and the lowest-billing ones are underpaid by about 30 per cent. It called for pay cuts to the highest-paid specialtie­s and top-ups to the lowest-paid ones.

Dr. Sacha Bhatia, a cardiologi­st and the chief medical innovation officer at

Women’s College Hospital, said transparen­cy can help in shedding light not only on pay disparitie­s between specialtie­s, but also disparitie­s within them. This “gap within the gap” can be significan­t, particular­ly among the highestpai­d specialtie­s, he noted.

“Why does one radiologis­t make two times what another radiologis­t makes?” he asked. “Is it because some doctors are working harder than others, or is it because the practice style of certain doctors is different than others?

“And that leads to the really important question: what is the value we are getting for the money we are paying? If one doctor is making double what another makes, are we getting double the value?”

Bhatia said there are specialist­s who make more than $1 million and earn every cent of it. He gave the example of a psychiatri­st who sees a large volume of patients in an underservi­ced part of northern Ontario.

“You’re billing a lot, but you are providing critical services and keeping people out of hospital. God bless you, man,” he said.

“They’re working really hard, and, to be honest, we shouldn’t encourage that. We should give them help,” Bhatia added. “But we shouldn’t vilify them because they are making a lot of money working six, often seven days a week.”

Regarding pay gaps within a specialty, Bhatia said it’s helpful to look at the 90th percentile of total payments to doctors in that area. For example, 90 per cent of ophthalmol­ogists were paid less than $1.37 million in 2017-18. The other 10 per cent received more — including the province’s top biller, who made $5.4 million.

“Sometimes there is a two- or threefold difference within the specialty. How one explains that is difficult,” Bhatia said.

Bhatia said more research is needed to get a better understand­ing of pay gaps within specialtie­s. “We know there is a lot of unexplaine­d variation in billing, some of which adds value and some of which doesn’t, and we’ve never really looked at that before.”

High-value services are medically necessary and result in better patient outcomes, Bhatia explained, whereas lowvalue services — such as unnecessar­y diagnostic testing — are “potentiall­y driven by economic incentives.”

“It gets down to the fundamenta­l question, why is there such a wide gap between how much one doctor is paid and how much another is paid? To have a sustainabl­e, high-functionin­g system, we need to ask the question, which we really haven’t asked until now.”

The Ontario Medical Associatio­n supports parts of the legislatio­n that would see the government publish all forms of compensati­on to doctors annually (although it also opposes the bill’s provision for tougher audits).

But the OMA has not always been in favour of public disclosure. In 2014, when the Star filed a freedom of informatio­n request for names and payments to top billers, the organizati­on objected on the basis that such disclosure would be “misleading,” because the public might not understand that billings are not the same as salaries.

OMA president Dr. Sohail Gandhi declined to be interviewe­d for this story.

Beamish said he is pleased the government is moving ahead with proactive disclosure, and that “the (freedom of informatio­n) process was a catalyst for getting this done.”

Other jurisdicti­ons already make publicly funded, physician-identified billings public, he said, referring to British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick and the United States.

When there is greater transparen­cy, potential problems can self-correct, he said, explaining that people are apt to be more careful in filing expenses that can be publicly viewed.

Dr. Rick Glazier, a scientist at ICES (the research institute formerly known as the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences) who has studied physician compensati­on, is also pleased to see more transparen­cy. But he cautioned that total billings reveal only so much. They do not detail how hard doctors work, how many days a week they work, how many patients they see, what the value of their service is or what their take-home pay is, he noted.

“Transparen­cy is important, but there can be nuance in interpreta­tion and that can be challengin­g,” he said.

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