Toronto Star

Official not guilty in soccer tragedy

Hillsborou­gh disaster a watershed moment in British sports history


A retired British police commander was not guilty of manslaught­er, a jury decided Thursday, 30 years after a crowd crush at a soccer match that killed 96 people, the worst disaster in modern British sports history.

David Duckenfiel­d, 75, a former South Yorkshire police chief superinten­dent, faced charges of “gross negligence manslaught­er” that could have sent him to prison for life.

The tragedy was initially blamed on the behaviour of the fans, but later investigat­ions showed that it resulted from the mistakes of officials who were responsibl­e for controllin­g the flow of fans into the stadium.

The April 15, 1989, disaster at Hillsborou­gh Stadium in Sheffield was a watershed moment, a psychologi­cal scar for a generation of soccer fans, challengin­g long-standing crowd-control practices and public trust in the police.

In the weeks after the deadly crush, South Yorkshire Police officials blamed Liverpool fans, falsely citing drunkennes­s, hooliganis­m and late arrivals. That version of events was amplified by some news outlets, particular­ly the tabloid newspaper the Sun, which reported that fans had urinated on police officers and picked the pockets of fallen victims.

The police narrative and the media coverage enraged many of the survivors and victims’ relatives. And when the initial coroners’ inquests called the deaths accidental, family members protested and spent years demanding that officials be prosecuted. More than two decades passed before subsequent government investigat­ions put the primary blame on the police for failed crowd-control practices. They found that officials had lied to the news media about the fans’ behaviour and that investigat­ors had edited witness statements to remove anything critical of the police.

Supporters of the two teams that were to play that day, Liverpool and Nottingham Forest, were segregated in separate parts of the stadium to prevent conflicts — a standard practice, then and now.

Many fans didn’t have assigned seats but had bought tickets for fenced areas, or terraces, where they would watch the game standing. That configurat­ion, also standard at the time, was prohibited in the upper echelons of British soccer after the Hillsborou­gh tragedy.

More than 10,000 Liverpool fans had bought tickets for a set of standing terraces that could be reached through just seven turnstiles, so entry was slow, and a growing and restless crowd formed outside the stadium, waiting to get in.

The deadly crush took place when police commanders decided to open an exit gate rather than make people go through the turnstiles, and then failed to order officers inside the stadium to steer people away from areas that were already full. Thousands rushed forward at once, crushing those already in the crowded pens.

In one section, “the pressure became so severe that the faces of fans at the front were pressed into the perimeter fencing, distorted by the mesh,” an official investigat­ive panel reported in 2012. “As fans lost consciousn­ess, some slipped to the ground under the feet of others unable to move. Survivors recall the gradual compressio­n on their chests preventing them from breathing.”

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