Toronto Star

Ford’s steady walk away from climate action


Again, today, youth-led protests around the world are calling for action on the climate crisis. Today also marks the oneyear anniversar­y of Ontario’s environmen­t plan, in which Premier Doug Ford’s government largely walked away from climate action.

Instead, they have damaged or broken most of Ontario’s policies to build a green economy. They cancelled cap and trade, abandoned strong emission reduction targets, repealed our climate law, clawed back grants for clean, quiet electric buses and other clean technologi­es, forced gas customers to subsidize new pipelines, ordered gas stations to post misleading anti-carbon-price stickers, tore down a wind farm and slashed energy conservati­on.

They also waste public funds fighting proven solutions, $30 million for the losing fight against carbon pricing and $231 million-plus to rip up 752 clean power contracts. If that weren’t enough, they turbocharg­ed sprawl, the largest cause of Ontario’s climate pollution, attacked conservati­on authoritie­s and health units, and weakened protection­s for the wetlands that protect us from floods.

Until last year’s election, Ontario was a climate leader.

Now, it is an obstacle to climate action and a perfect example of what gets people out in the streets demanding change.

That is why we three — a youth leader from Fridays for Future Toronto, the former environmen­tal commission­er of Ontario and a non-profit climate advocate — are on the Queen’s Park lawn today to express public demands for urgent action.

We are not alone. Seventy per cent of Ontario MPs support carbon pricing and more than 30 Ontario municipali­ties have declared climate emergencie­s. In September, Ontarians marched in youth-led climate strikes, including 50,000 in Toronto alone. Yet the voices of youth and many others have been excluded while the government’s door stays open to industry lobbyists.

Ontarians know that pro-fossil, anticlimat­e policies are dangerous to us here, not just to polar bears and to people in other places. Ontario’s insured losses from catastroph­ic extreme weather soared to $1.4 billion last year. The Bank of Canada recognizes that climate change is a “key vulnerabil­ity” in the Canadian financial system. Health profession­als tell us the climate crisis is the largest threat to human health, and will seriously affect today’s children and youth.

Expert report after expert report has shown that humans must cut our climate pollution in half by 2030 if we want a stable climate. This means cutting our fossil fuel use in half in about ten years.

If we do, the opportunit­ies outweigh the costs, and improving public infrastruc­ture and public transporta­tion will benefit us all. The road there starts with climate justice and including front-line communitie­s who suffer greater climate impacts. Effective action includes pricing pollution, stopping sprawl and protecting nature.

Instead, the government’s “Environmen­t Plan” is a mishmash of ignoring facts, claiming credit for the actions of others and weak proposals without follow-through. For example, it “forgets” the increased emissions that will come from increasing urban sprawl and natural gas use, and from cancelling clean power and energy conservati­on.

The plan predicts lots of electric vehicles. If so, federal EV incentives will deserve the credit. The Ontario government cancelled its EV incentives, which won’t help companies like General Motors decide to make EVs here. The provincial government even repealed the building code rule that would have made room for EV chargers in new homes.

Weak proposals include the government’s plan to duplicate and weaken the federal carbon price for industrial polluters, expensivel­y recreating something much like the cap-and-trade system that they cancelled. Their proposed “reverse auction” to pay polluters to cut emissions was tried in Australia with little success, and their “carbon trust” looks unlikely to work any better.

This plan also jeopardize­s Canada’s climate ambition and reputation. Canada is one of the ten largest climate-polluting countries on the planet and much of that pollution comes from Ontario. The policies that the Ford government cancelled were critical to Canada meeting our internatio­nal commitment­s under the Paris Agreement.

Bottom line: The “Environmen­t Plan” is greenwashi­ng, an attempt to hide this government’s indifferen­ce to the climate crisis that threatens young people’s future.

Youth leadership is inspiring Ontarians to call them on it and to demand real facts, honest conversati­ons and strong climate action. Dianne Saxe is a former environmen­tal commission­er of Ontario. Allie Rougeot is Fridays For Future Toronto co-ordinator. Sarah Buchanan is clean economy program manager at Environmen­tal Defence.

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