Toronto Star

Why both Scheer and Trudeau have reason to fear Rona Ambrose

- Chantal Hébert

EDMONTON—It is difficult to spend time on Parliament Hill or in Alberta’s capital these days without picking up a lot of hopeful speculatio­n about Rona Ambrose’s return to public life.

Whether she wants it or not, the Conservati­ves’ former interim leader — who left politics after the party picked a permanent successor to Stephen Harper two years ago — has become a big piece in the post-election puzzles of both the Liberals and the Conservati­ves.

Some senior Liberals believe Ambrose should be Justin Trudeau’s next envoy to Washington, a post that has been vacant since the end of the summer at a delicate time in Canada-U.S. relations. With former foreign minister Chrystia Freeland splitting her time between the federal-provincial scene and Capitol Hill, appointing a permanent ambassador has to be high on the prime minister’s to-do list.

Canada has never sent a female envoy to Washington. Appointing a highprofil­e woman from Alberta — one with solid links to Premier Jason Kenney to boot — would offer Prairie voters yet another token of the prime minister’s goodwill towards a region that largely shut out his party last month.

There is a history of prime ministers reaching outside their immediate partisan circle to fill such roles. Harper appointed former Manitoba NDP premier Gary Doer to Washington. Brian Mulroney dispatched former Ontario NDP leader Stephen Lewis to the United Nations.

As part of the prime minister’s advisory council at the time of the NAFTA renegotiat­ion, Ambrose worked with Trudeau’s team. She is familiar with the file and with many of the players, both in the Trump administra­tion and the PMO.

More recently, some Liberal strategist­s have found a less high-minded reason to see Ambrose as a great fit for Washington: It would take her out of the mix to replace Andrew Scheer.

That’s something many senior Conservati­ves who have other ambitions for Ambrose want to avoid. For even as Scheer is getting organized to lead the official Opposition in the House of Commons, minds are increasing­ly turning to his succession.

Like most of his moves since his election defeat, Scheer’s decision on Thursday to hand the role of deputy leader to Leona Alleslev — an MP who sat on the Liberal side of the House for more time than she served as a Conservati­ve — is more likely to weaken his leadership than to shore it up.

The feeling within (and outside) Conservati­ve ranks is that the odds are getting longer by the day that Scheer will garner enough support to secure a confidence vote in April, or even last long enough to have his leadership reviewed at the party’s convention.

But while it is not hard to come up with reasons why the current leader is not the person to move the party forward, finding a successor who will not make things worse is a more complicate­d matter.

The travails of the NDP after its members fired Thomas Mulcair have illustrate­d the perils of disposing of a leader without having a Plan B in mind, if not yet in place.

Given the potentiall­y short life of a hung Parliament, the House of Commons is no place for a leader on training wheels.

At the same time, there is not a lot of appetite in the Conservati­ves’ Prairie heartland for handing the leadership to former blue-ribbon members of the defunct federal Progressiv­e Conservati­ve party.

Names like former New Brunswick premier Bernard Lord, ex-Tory leader Peter MacKay or Ontario Tory minister Caroline Mulroney may stir the hearts of nostalgic Red Tories east of Manitoba, but they inspire more trepidatio­n than excitement in Western Canada circles.

More than 10 years after the warring factions within the conservati­ve movement reconciled, it would still not necessaril­y take much to again polarize the movement along the Reform/Progressiv­e Conservati­ve divide.

From the perspectiv­e of those who are parsing the field for someone to stand in Scheer’s place and bring a still-united party to the next federal campaign, few names tick as many boxes as Ambrose’s.

Those boxes include the attributes that would make her an attractive Liberal choice for Washington and more — including a strong personal relationsh­ip with Harper, a decade of ministeria­l experience and a demonstrat­ed capacity to act as an effective leader of the official Opposition.

It is not clear that she wants back in the game. People who know her believe she would not be comfortabl­e in a role as central to Trudeau’s government and its fortunes as the post of Washington envoy.

But Ambrose has clearly not lost her political killer instinct.

Just last week, as the storm over Scheer’s inability to clearly embrace the equality rights of members of the LGBTQ community was picking up steam, she noted in a tweet how proud she was to have been the first — and only — Conservati­ve leader to have participat­ed in a Pride parade.

 ??  ?? Being named Canada’s envoy to Washington could take Rona Ambrose out of a race to replace Andrew Scheer as Tory leader.
Being named Canada’s envoy to Washington could take Rona Ambrose out of a race to replace Andrew Scheer as Tory leader.
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 ?? FRED CHARTRAND THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? Rona Ambrose has been touted as the replacemen­t for Andrew Scheer. Some Liberal strategist­s would like to send her to Washington to prevent that from happening, Chantal Hébert writes.
FRED CHARTRAND THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO Rona Ambrose has been touted as the replacemen­t for Andrew Scheer. Some Liberal strategist­s would like to send her to Washington to prevent that from happening, Chantal Hébert writes.

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