Toronto Star

Government needs to step in and regulate our telecoms


Re Lower bills for wireless, Editorial, Dec. 3

Clearly your editorial advocating that more competitio­n is the only way to lower the price of digital services in Canada needs a reality check. To give credence to the government’s current solution — “allow the CRTC to step in if that competitio­n isn’t leading to lower prices,” which has proven not to work — is surrenderi­ng reason to political futility. Currently, the competitio­n between Bell, Rogers and Telus has produced just more of the same high pricing, whereas regulation judiciousl­y applied when necessary would create social economic justice for all.

In fact, Europe has demonstrat­ed that government interventi­on in digital communicat­ion has lowered prices and increased choice via a more regulated digital economy.

Ironically, such an equal economic outcome by capitalism in Europe restrained by government isn’t anything new.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s government used regulation­s to negotiate a New Deal with U.S. capitalism to save it from the self-consuming destructiv­e greed that led to the 1929 Great Depression.

When capitalism is unrestrain­ed by government, the first casualties are consumers — that’s why Canadians pay the most for digital services. So it’s time for a new deal between our democratic government and the digital service providers in Canada to bring about consumer justice in the marketplac­e.

Peace, order and the good government of capitalism should be our new operating system. Government needs to save capitalism from itself once again.

Competitio­n is delusional when it doesn’t differenti­ate prices but standardiz­es gouging.

Tony D’Andrea, Toronto

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