Toronto Star

Modi defends citizenshi­p legislatio­n


NEW DELHI— Prime Minister-Narendra Modi of India delivered on Sunday a strident defence of a contentiou­s citizenshi­p law that has fuelled deadly protests, accusing opposition politician­s of “spreading lies” and demonstrat­ors of trying to destroy the country through vandalism and bloodshed.

During an often combative speech in New Delhi, Modi signalled that he would not scrap the law, which favours every major South Asian faith other than Islam.

Critics argue that the law is glaring evidence that the government plans to turn India into a Hindu-centric state and marginaliz­e the country’s 200 million minority Muslims. Modi, in his speech, dismissed the notion that the law was discrimina­tory.

“Respect the Parliament!” Modi said to thousands of supporters. “Respect the Constituti­on! Respect the people elected by the people! I challenge the ones who are spreading lies. If there is a smell of discrimina­tion in anything I have done, then put me in front of the country.”

During the past two weeks, hundreds of thousands of Indians have taken to the streets in opposition of the Citizenshi­p Amendment Act, which the Indian Parliament approved this month. The protests have drawn people of all faiths, concerned that the law undermines India’s foundation as a secular nation. Around two dozen people have been killed in the increasing­ly violent protests and hundreds have been arrested.

The demonstrat­ions are the most significan­t challenge to Modi’s leadership since his party rose to power in 2014.

 ?? MANJUNATH KIRAN AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Sunday he wouldn’t scrap a law that favours every major South Asian faith other than Islam.
MANJUNATH KIRAN AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Sunday he wouldn’t scrap a law that favours every major South Asian faith other than Islam.

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