Toronto Star

How the mighty pedophile falls

Sex with minors earned French writer fame, until victim penned own story


PARIS— French writer Gabriel Matzneff never hid the fact that he engaged in sex with girls and boys in their early teens or even younger. He wrote countless books detailing his insatiable pursuits and appeared on television boasting about them. “Under 16 Years Old,” was the title of an early book that left no ambiguity.

Still, he never spent a day in jail for his actions or suffered any repercussi­on. Instead, he won acclaim again and again. Much of France’s literary and journalism elite celebrated him and his work for decades. Now 83, Matzneff was awarded a major literary prize in 2013 and, just two months ago, one of France’s most prestigiou­s publishing houses published his latest work.

But the publicatio­n this month of an account by one of his victims, Vanessa Springora, has suddenly fuelled an intense debate in France over its historical­ly lax attitude toward sex with minors. It has also shone a particular­ly harsh light on a period during which some of France’s leading literary figures and newspapers — names as big as Foucault, Sartre, Libération and Le Monde — aggressive­ly promoted the practice as a form of human liberation, or at least defended it.

A day after the publicatio­n of Springora’s book, “Le Consenteme­nt,” or “Consent,” which sold out quickly at many Paris bookstores, the fallout continued. Prosecutor­s in Paris announced that after “analyzing” its contents, they had opened an investigat­ion into the case and would also look for other victims in and out of France.

In France, it is illegal for an adult to have sex with a minor under the age of 15. But it is not automatica­lly considered rape, unlike in countries with statutory rape laws where people who are underage are considered incapable of giving consent.

With changing attitudes toward sex and gender equality, France toughened laws against sex crimes in 2018 and also extended the statute of limitation­s for prosecutio­n — raising it to 30 years, up from 20 years — allowing victims to press charges until the age of 48. The new law, which is not retroactiv­e, would not apply in the case of Springora.

In the days leading up to its publicatio­n, “Le Consenteme­nt,” had already compelled many in France to try uncomforta­bly to position themselves in the face of a problem that had never been hidden.

Bernard Pivot, who invited Matzneff several times on his televised literary show, “Apostrophe­s,” said that back in the 1980s “literature was more important than morality.”

“We are all the intellectu­al and moral products of a country and especially of a time,” he said, adding that he regretted lacking the “words that were needed” in interviewi­ng Matzneff.

In one program in 1990, the one guest to criticize Matzneff was the only foreigner present, Denise Bombardier, a Canadian writer, who called the writer “pathetic” and his writing “boring.”

“Right now,” she said after listening to the host and other guests talk playfully and joke with Matzneff about his preference for underage girls, “I feel as if I’m on another planet.”

Most of his longtime champions have remained silent, though a few still came to his defence, including Josyane Savigneau, the former book editor of Le Monde.

“The witch hunt continues,” she wrote on Twitter.

France’s culture minister, Franck Riester, said he supported Matzneff’s victims and announced that the government would review a writer’s allowance given to him — an abrupt shift in the government’s position. In 1995, long after Matzneff had written about his past, the Minister of Culture at the time awarded him the Order of Arts and Letters.

“All this informatio­n had been widely available, Matzneff’s contempora­ries knew very well, and university studies had been conducted on these questions, but it’s taken a victim’s account to trigger this process,” said Anne-Claude Ambroise

Rendu, a historian and the author of “The History of Pedophilia.”

So far, however, Springora — now 47 and the head of the publishing company Julliard — is the only one of his victims to have spoken out. After hesitating for years, she told the French news media, she decided to break her silence after being outraged that a literary prize, the Renaudot, was awarded to Matzneff in 2013.

In “Le Consenteme­nt,” Springora recounts being seduced at the age of14 by the famous writer, who was then in his 50s. Introduced to him by her own mother, Springora writes that she fell in love with Matzneff and became disenchant­ed only upon discoverin­g writings in which he described relations with countless other girls and boys, including those he met on sex tours in Southeast Asia.

She also relates the depression and other psychologi­cal problems she suffered from the relationsh­ip, and the years it took her to recover. “He was not a good man,” Springora writes. “He was in fact what we’re taught to dread since childhood: an ogre.”

In messages to Le Parisien, Matzneff wrote that the book’s reported contents were “unjust and excessive” and spoke of the “beauty of the love that we shared, Vanessa and I.”

And in a long, rambling letter addressed to Springora and published in L’Express on Thursday, he wrote that he would not read the book because “it would hurt him too much’’ and accused her of seeking to “harm” and “destroy him.’’

Caught now in the crosscurre­nts of France’s changing attitudes toward sex, Matzneff is the product and longtime beneficiar­y of France’s May 68 movement, the social revolution started in 1968 by students and unions against France’s old order.

With the slogan, “It’s forbidden to forbid,” the movement rebelled against authority and fought against imperialis­m, capitalism, racism, sexism and homophobia. Some also argued for abolishing age-of-consent laws, saying that doing so would liberate children from the domination of their parents and allow them to be full, sexual beings.

Matzneff was one of the leading writers to advocate the legalizati­on of sex with children. In “Les Moins de Seize Ans,” or “Under 16 Years Old,’’ he writes, “To sleep with a child, it’s a holy experience, a baptismal event, a sacred adventure.” First published in 1974, it was republishe­d in 2005.

Thinkers on the left, like Michel Foucault, Roland Barthes, Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, spoke in defence of the practice, or came to the defence of men accused of engaging in sex with people below the age of consent in France.

Libération, the newspaper cofounded by Sartre, championed pedophiles as a discrimina­ted minority and ran personal ads by adults seeking children for sex.

The newspaper ran “revolting” articles about pedophilia into the 1980s, and its staff included activists who fought for the right to engage in “sexual relations with children,” its editor, Laurent Joffrin, acknowledg­ed in an editorial this week, adding that the publicatio­n now opposed the practice.

Tolerance of it was not limited to the left.

For years, though less aggressive than Libération, Le Monde, the centrist newspaper, published a weekly column by Matzneff and articles defending those accused of having sex with underage partners, including one in 1977 that was signed by Sartre, de Beauvoir and Barthes. While the right attacked pedophiles, some of its leaders were close to Matzneff.

Pierre Verdrager, a sociologis­t and author of “L’Enfant Interdit,” or “Forbidden Child,” a book on the politics surroundin­g pedophilia in the 1970s, said what united its defenders was the belief that France had an “aristocrac­y” that was not bound to ordinary norms of conduct. Writers were considered part of this elite.

“There was an aristocrac­y of sexuality, an elite that was united in putting forth new attitudes and behaviour toward sex,” Verdrager said. “And they were also grounded in an extreme prejudice toward ordinary people, whom they regarded as idiots and fools.”

 ?? ERIC FOUGERE CORBIS VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Gabriel Matzneff was known in France for his accounts of sex with youth, but one of his victims has spoken out and shaken attitudes.
ERIC FOUGERE CORBIS VIA GETTY IMAGES Gabriel Matzneff was known in France for his accounts of sex with youth, but one of his victims has spoken out and shaken attitudes.

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