Toronto Star

Kitchen resolution­s that you can make and keep

Small, attainable goals can calm your life and help the planet


Making life changes is one of the pressures a new year brings.

And when food is at the centre of those changes, sticking with them is often a recipe for failure. And stress.

But if you take a step back and focus on incrementa­l, attainable goals that will help you — and even the planet — those changes can be far more doable. Like making subtle changes to your kitchen, for instance. Here’s where to start.

Organize. There are a few universal chaos locations in the kitchen. You know: under the sink where you stash all the plastic bags you promise to recycle, the cabinet with all the mismatched storage containers and that “miscellane­ous drawer” full of tools.

Tackle one spot at a time when you have 10 or 15 minutes, and feel the burden lift. Thin out the gadgets you never or rarely reach for (how many digital thermomete­rs do you really need?), and you’ll be much more likely to find the ones you do. The same goes for the spice cabinet.

Learn to take better care of your tools. Your kitchen is full of equipment and tools that can last forever. As long as you treat them right. So, learn which items

are best washed by hand — knives, pots and skillets are at the top of the list — and how to do that best.

Keep your knives sharp (and safe). Keep your cast iron seasoned, and don’t let it sit around wet to develop rust. Don’t use non-stick cookware on high heat. Don’t heat an empty enameled cast-iron Dutch oven on the stove top. When in doubt, get the manual.

Use less plastic and disposable­s. This may be the hardest one on this list. If you’re a plastic wrap and aluminum foil addict, try to eliminate, or at least reduce, your habit. You can find reusable options for almost any kitchen staple these days, whether it’s beeswax wraps, silicone bags, cotton or mesh produce pouches, metal straws and food covers.

Shopping the bulk bins to fill your own containers with exactly what you need cuts back on both packaging and food waste.

Store your fruits and vegetables better so they get eaten and not tossed. Produce is essentiall­y a living, breathing thing. If you think you can just toss it in your fridge and assume it will be ready for when you are, you’ll be disappoint­ed.

Learn which foods benefit from humidity (generally, fruit needs less and vegetables more) and which should not be stored together (separate ethylene-producing items from ethylene-sensitive items). Some — potatoes, onions — shouldn’t be stored in the refrigerat­or at all. With just small adjustment­s, you’ll save money and food.

Keep your kitchen cleaner. This is always an admirable goal. Whether you’re a clean-asyou-go or clean-at-the-end, you never want to walk away from the kitchen without having tidied up. Procrastin­ation here does not pay off, especially if there are dishes to wash and messes to wipe up. Of course, the kitchen is full of annoying little cracks and crevices, and stubborn stains.

Inexpensiv­e tools like wooden skewers, a Magic Eraser scrubber and toothbrush­es are cheap and get the job done.

 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? Reducing the plastics you use in the kitchen, including shopping bags, is a step in a good, green direction.
DREAMSTIME Reducing the plastics you use in the kitchen, including shopping bags, is a step in a good, green direction.
 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? Keeping your knives sharp (and safe) will make them more useful in your food preparatio­n.
DREAMSTIME Keeping your knives sharp (and safe) will make them more useful in your food preparatio­n.

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