Toronto Star

Gravity, it’s all in the way you look at it


You wouldn’t think gravity would be a big worry for insects. They’re so small. So light. An ant that fell from a second-floor balcony and landed on its head wouldn’t even get a bruise.

Consequent­ly, scientists have not concerned themselves greatly with what gravity does to insects. But a group of scientists who routinely put grasshoppe­rs into the linear accelerato­r at the Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois decided to take a closer look.

That’s not as strange as it sounds. With synchrotro­n Xrays, you can get highly detailed images and video, so the Argonne lab is used for medicine and art and archeology studies, as well as looking inside grasshoppe­rs to see how their bodies work.

Jon F. Harrison of Arizona State University and Jake Socha of Virginia Tech have studied insects at Argonne for years, but their work on gravity came about by accident. Some X-rays showed different results when grasshoppe­rs were right side up or upside down.

When new tests refined their observatio­ns, the researcher­s learned that gravity has a significan­t effect on the grasshoppe­r equivalent­s of blood pressure and breathing. And furthermor­e, grasshoppe­rs have adaptation­s that help minimize the disturbanc­e caused by gravity.

Insects and gravity have not gotten much attention, Socha said, and the findings could change broader understand­ings of insect physiology. The researcher­s published their results Monday in the Proceeding­s of the National Academy of Sciences.

David Hu at Georgia Tech, whose research addresses the intersecti­on of physics and biology in animals, said, “This study shows that grasshoppe­rs have amazing control of their body pressure at different orientatio­ns. The authors’ previous work showed that beetles seem to be able to do the same thing.” He was not involved in the study. “We see insects and assume that just because they’re smaller, they’re less complicate­d than us,” he said. “That’s just not true.”

Harrison and Socha first noticed a problem while they were doing synchrotro­n X-rays of grasshoppe­rs to study their air sacs, which are a bit like lungs. The results didn’t seem to make sense. “We thought we had made a mistake,” Socha said.

Then they realized that they hadn’t been paying attention to whether the grasshoppe­r was head up or head down in the container that held it.

Grasshoppe­rs, like other insects, get oxygen through tubes, or trachea that are open to the outside air and branch into smaller and smaller tubes in the insect’s body. All insects have these, and some have air sacs, to store and pump air, as grasshoppe­rs do. It turned out the tubes were more compressed at the bottom of the animal, because gravity was causing the grasshoppe­r equivalent of blood to sink to the bottom half of the animal.

This is similar to when humans stand up quickly and become lightheade­d, or the way blood goes to the head during a headstand. Humans have valves in the circulator­y system to combat this problem, and your heart rate can increase, to pump blood faster.

But insects don’t have the same system. A grasshoppe­r has a heart, but most of its body had been thought to be like one big bag of blood. Nonetheles­s, the researcher­s found the grasshoppe­rs could substantia­lly counter the effect of gravity when conscious. When anesthetiz­ed with nitrogen, they could not.

The researcher­s found the grasshoppe­rs could change the pressure in different parts of their body. And the animals were able to keep different pressure in different parts of the body. How they do it is the next question. But they must have some way of blocking off the abdomen from the thorax, say, to create different pressures.

The discovery reveals something brand-new about the intersecti­on of physics and biology. For now, it seems to be true in grasshoppe­rs, at the least, and probably beetles, based on another study of Socha’s. But all insects are going to be subject to the same physical forces, which few scientists have ever paid attention to before. And it seems unlikely, said Socha, that grasshoppe­rs are the only ones to evolve coping mechanisms.

As to the potential practical impact of the findings, Socha said some research on insects is related to human biology, and should take into account these gravitatio­nal effects. And Hu said that the discovery could influence the design of so-called lab-on-a-chip devices that use tiny amounts of fluid.

 ?? STEVE RUSSELL TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO ?? Researcher­s have found that gravity has a significan­t effect on grasshoppe­rs’ equivalent­s of blood pressure and breathing, and that the insects have adapted to minimize those effects.
STEVE RUSSELL TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO Researcher­s have found that gravity has a significan­t effect on grasshoppe­rs’ equivalent­s of blood pressure and breathing, and that the insects have adapted to minimize those effects.

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