Toronto Star

Collecting the artifacts of impeachmen­t

Smithsonia­n curator Jon Grinspan keeps an open mind when searching for items that will tell the story of current events


WASHINGTON— Years from now, when school groups visit the National Museum of American History in Washington, they might learn about the impeachmen­t of a president through a fidget spinner. And they will have Jon Grinspan, the Smithsonia­n’s curator of political history, to thank.

Grinspan is a soft-spoken, academic version of Indiana Jones, on the hunt not for the Ark of the Covenant, but for something perhaps more elusive: the exactly right objects to tell the story of the impeachmen­t of U.S. President Donald Trump.

Grinspan was in the Senate gallery when he observed several politician­s — who were barred from using cellphones during the trial — keeping their hands busy with the popular toys. Maybe the items will be used to illustrate the tedium of the marathon sessions and the challenge of keeping senators/jurors alert and focused on the proceeding­s.

Grinspan has yet to acquire a fidget spinner — or any object that tells the story of these events, only the third presidenti­al impeachmen­t trial in the country’s history. But he and two colleagues will do their best to compile a group of items that will help the museum chronicle this highly charged moment in a nonpartisa­n way.

It’s not an easy task, although the danger is not of the Indiana Jones, giant rolling boulder variety.

In an era of deep political division, public historians are under great scrutiny about how they tell their stories. The recent debacle at the National Archives

— which apologized for and removed a doctored photograph from the 2017 Women’s March in Washington that had been scrubbed of language and political

references deemed unsuitable for display in the building’s lobby — illustrate­s the pressures facing these institutio­ns.

With public suspicion high and patience low, curators must be scrupulous in their collecting, keeping their focus on telling the whole story for future visitors.

“(At the Smithsonia­n) we have a lot of national trust, and that makes us feel a greater responsibi­lity,” said Grinspan, 36, adding that the archives’ issue “has had no effect on me.”

“The landscape was tense before President Trump. When we were collecting Obama (material), it was challengin­g as well,” he said. “We want to step up our game in being as non-biased as possible. It makes it better history.”

Over the next few months — both in the District of Columbia and on the campaign trail — Grinspan will talk to political insiders, casual observers and activists of all stripes to find and collect objects for the Smithsonia­n museum’s permanent collection. There is no guidebook to this work — no wish list to share with people he meets. Instead, Grinspan says, he tries to keep an open mind and be flexible enough to see the things that speak to what’s unfolding.

“It’s a guessing game,” he said. “No one is a scientist about this.”

There’s a time-travel aspect to the work, he said. What he collects now will be viewed by visitors a hundred years from now, and it could be on display in a gallery that boasts such objects as the hat that Abraham Lincoln was wearing the night of his assassinat­ion and a microphone that Franklin Roosevelt used to broadcast his fireside chats.

As federally funded museum curators, political historians approach the proceeding­s carefully and respectful­ly, said Anthea Hartig, a historian who is director of the Smithsonia­n museum. It is paramount that the museum maintain the trust of the American people and their political representa­tives, she said.

“I take to heart the fact that we have wonderful relationsh­ips, sustained relationsh­ips, with all three branches of government,” Hartig said. “We’re incredibly grateful to Congress and the president for the long relationsh­ip we have and the support we receive.”

The museum has allies in both parties, including those who serve on the institutio­n’s Board of Regents and others who are sympatheti­c to their tasks. “I guess you don’t become a U.S. senator without having an interest in U.S. history,” Grinspan said.

“They may feel differentl­y about the outcome (of the impeachmen­t trial), but they understand the historic moment,” Hartig added.

The task of museum collecting is complicate­d by the need for visually interestin­g items that are suitable for display. “The American Presidency: A Glorious Burden” currently features items connected to the impeachmen­ts of presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton — both of whom were acquitted by the Senate — and to president Richard Nixon, who resigned before an impeachmen­t vote.

The most interestin­g objects are also the largest: the black robe with gold striped sleeves that Chief Justice William Rehnquist wore to Clinton’s impeachmen­t trial and a damaged metal file cabinet that belonged to Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatri­st. In 1971, a group tied to the Nixon administra­tion broke into the medical office seeking informatio­n to discredit Ellsberg, who had leaked the Pentagon Papers to the media. The break-in preceded the more famous Watergate burglary.

Grinspan hopes to add items connected to the Trump impeachmen­t, although he’s not optimistic that it will be as closely related to the charges at the centre of the proceeding­s as the Nixonera cabinet was in its day.

“We’re not going to get a Javelin missile, so how can we tell the story in other ways?” he asked, referring to the military aid Trump allegedly withheld from Ukraine to pressure the country to announce an investigat­ion into Democratic rival Joe Biden.

 ?? ANDRE CHUNG THE WASHINGTON POST ?? The National Museum of American History has many items linked to past impeachmen­t efforts, such as Richard Nixon-era buttons.
ANDRE CHUNG THE WASHINGTON POST The National Museum of American History has many items linked to past impeachmen­t efforts, such as Richard Nixon-era buttons.
 ?? ANDRE CHUNG THE WASHINGTON POST ?? Jon Grinspan, a Smithsonia­n curator, is hunting for the exactly right objects to tell the story of the impeachmen­t of U.S. President Donald Trump.
ANDRE CHUNG THE WASHINGTON POST Jon Grinspan, a Smithsonia­n curator, is hunting for the exactly right objects to tell the story of the impeachmen­t of U.S. President Donald Trump.

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