Toronto Star

Another setback in the search for an HIV vaccine


In another setback in the long quest to prevent HIV infection, a trial in South Africa has been shut down because an experiment­al vaccine was not working, federal health officials have announced.

The trial, which began in 2016, followed one in Thailand that ended in 2009. That vaccine offered only modest protection against infection. Experts argued over how much, but the vaccine was no more than 30 per cent protective.

Nonetheles­s, it was the only vaccine that had appeared to work at all.

“We hoped this vaccine candidate would work — regrettabl­y, it does not,” said Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director of the

National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which conducted the trial.

“Research continues on other approaches to a safe and effective HIV vaccine, which I still believe can be achieved,” he added.

A vaccine against HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is sorely needed. Even now, nearly 40 years after the start of the epidemic, 1.7 million people are newly infected each year — most of them in Africa, especially southern Africa, according to UNAIDS, the United Nations’ AIDS-fighting agency. The trial — known as HVTN 702 but nicknamed Uhambo, which means “journey” in Zulu — included 5,407 young adult men and women in South Africa.

Last month, a safety-monitoring panel looked at early results and found that there were123 infections among participan­ts who got a placebo injection and 129 among those who got the vaccine.

That clearly indicated that the vaccine was not protective, but did not mean it was making participan­ts more vulnerable to HIV, scientists said. A difference of just six infections in so large a pool of participan­ts could have been due to chance.

The Uhambo vaccine had to be significan­tly changed from the one tested in Thailand because South Africa has a different dominant strain of HIV.

The vaccine used canarypox, a bird virus that can infect human cells but cannot multiply in them, to deliver into the body a protein found on the outer envelope of HIV. The immune system learns to recognize the protein and to make protective antibodies to it.

“This is a big disappoint­ment and it means that canarypox is clearly not a road to success,” said Mitchell J. Warren, executive director of AVAC, an HIV-prevention advocacy group based in New York. “But it was a well-conducted trial — it enrolled thousands of participan­ts, and they came back for their tests.

“As they say in the pharmaceut­ical industry, ‘If you’re going to fail, fail fast,’ ” he added. “That way, you don’t waste financial and human resources.”

Two other HIV vaccine trials, Nos. 705 and 706, known as Imbokodo and Mosaico, are still underway.

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