Toronto Star

The perils and power of digital media

- Jaime Watt is the executive chairman of Navigator Ltd. and a Conservati­ve strategist. He is a freelance contributi­ng columnist for the Star. Follow him on Twitter: @jaimewatt

If there is one lesson we learned this week, it is that digital media continues to shape politics in ways we still do not understand.

Since its inception, strategist­s and pundits have treated digital media as a tool: a way of better understand­ing constituen­ts and expanding reach to them. The reality is very different. Over the past decade, social media platforms and the internet more broadly have fundamenta­lly changed not just the channels we use but the very nature of politics itself.

Consider Donald Trump. It’s not just that social media is the cornerston­e of his political strategy, it has defined him as an entity. Without Twitter and Facebook, Trump simply would not exist. Firstly, his base of supporters are creatures of social media, which has enveloped them in an echo chamber, validating their feeling that the rest of the U.S. has lost its mind, not them. When Trump told them the same thing, that validation was made concrete.

But Trump is not just a master of social media, he is a product of it. From the moment he descended his golden escalator and announced his candidacy, his every impulse has been characteri­zed by a desire to stir controvers­y and generate clickbait. His obsession with crowd sizes and viewer ratings reflects a metric of success familiar to any social media user: impression­s and views.

Trump’s state of the union address this week was tailor-made for the digital age. Realizing that very few Americans would watch the entire address, Trump opted instead to create madefor-Twitter vignettes to be shared around the world.

Trump was not content with merely calling out the travails of “Lenny Skutniks,” as the invited guests of each president since Reagan are known. Instead, the leader of the free world channelled Oprah and, in real time, handed out a school-voucher scholarshi­p, reunited a military family and awarded a Presidenti­al Medal of Freedom to guests in the crowd. Each dramatic moment fit perfectly into a 90-second clip for digital consumptio­n.

And just as the digital age has shaped our politician­s, it has shaped the process of politics, too. Chaos descended on the Iowa Democratic primary this week as malfunctio­ns with a newly implemente­d reporting app wrought havoc on the process. The historic success of the Buttigieg and Sanders campaigns was thus overshadow­ed by concerns about the accuracy and consistenc­y of the results.

Trump surrogates were quick to point to Iowa as evidence that Democrats are not ready to run a country. But the Iowa debacle also spoke volumes about a reality of the 2020 campaign: Republican­s’ vast dominance over Democrats’ in digital capacity. Even compared to president Obama’s formidable digital operation, the Trump team is miles ahead.

For context, between his 2008 and 2012 campaigns, Obama grew his digital database by roughly 55 per cent. Trump’s team has already grown theirs by 150 per cent and are aiming for list growth closer to 300 per cent. They have invested four times more in social media than television. The reason is simple: in today’s world, digital strategy is the fundamenta­l building block of campaign strategy.

Canadian political parties have been slower in taking this lesson to heart. In 2016, the Trudeau Liberals significan­tly outspent other parties’ social media advertisin­g. That said, conservati­ve platforms like Canada Proud and Rebel Media have changed the digital playing field, reaching millions of Canadians with highly engaging content.

In the current CPC leadership race, Erin O’Toole’s campaign has already signalled its belief in the importance of social media. In late January, the campaign rolled out a sizable Facebook ad buy.

But just as digital media can provide momentum, it can also kneecap an otherwise solid campaign. Peter MacKay’s campaign was criticized this week for an aggressive Twitter ad that mocked the prime minister’s penchant for yoga classes and spa visits. The reality is most Canadians have no appetite for the kind of social media attacks that have become the norm in the U.S.

And therein lies the rub. Just as I wrote last week about the lack of consensus when it comes to online grieving, we are now experienci­ng the same lack of consensus in online campaignin­g. Jaime Watt

 ?? MARIO TAMA GETTY IMAGES ?? Melania Trump giving Rush Limbaugh a Presidenti­al Medal of Freedom during the state of the union address was designed for social media, Jaime Watt writes.
MARIO TAMA GETTY IMAGES Melania Trump giving Rush Limbaugh a Presidenti­al Medal of Freedom during the state of the union address was designed for social media, Jaime Watt writes.
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