Toronto Star

Former minister Baird hasn’t ruled out leadership bid, sources say


OTTAWA— John Baird is leaving the door open for a run at the Conservati­ve leadership, although sources close to the former cabinet minister consider a bid unlikely.

Baird appears to be listening to encouragem­ent from senior figures in the conservati­ve movement and has not yet ruled out tossing his hat in the ring, according to two sources who have spoken to him about the idea.

“I don’t think he’ll do it. But when you look at the field, and reflect (on) who is there, the sentiment of ‘why well not?’ grows stronger,” one source, who spoke on the condition they not be named, said Friday.

A spokespers­on for Baird did not respond to a request for comment Friday afternoon.

Baird’s name has long been floated amongst Conservati­ves unhappy with the current slate of leadership contenders.

Bilingual and with experience in senior cabinet portfolios in both Ontario and federally, Baird would enjoy the same high profile as Peter MacKay and Erin O’Toole.

But a leadership bid would also come with risks. While Baird is well-respected in Conservati­ve circles, he gained a reputation as a political attack dog in the government­s of Mike Harris and Stephen Harper.

Baird might also have to give up lucrative private sector gigs he has amassed since leaving public life in 2015.

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney gave a public voice to the private encouragem­ent Friday, when he told CBC News that he hopes Baird joins the race.

“I think he’d be a very compelling candidate. John is very experience­d, he’s a principled Conservati­ve, he is bilingual,” Kenney said.

Kenney, who served in the federal cabinet with Baird, told CBC that the two men had spoken and Baird was “seriously considerin­g” a bid.

Kenney had also publicly encouraged Rona Ambrose to run before Ambrose decided she wanted to stay in the private sector.

Federally, Baird served as the Treasury Board president, the minister of the environmen­t, and the minister of foreign affairs.

 ??  ?? John Baird might have to give up lucrative private gigs to run for Tory leadership.
John Baird might have to give up lucrative private gigs to run for Tory leadership.

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