Toronto Star

Relief fund seeks donations to help artists amid city shutdown


In the face of the shutdown of the city’s arts and culture industry, the Toronto Arts Council and Toronto Arts Foundation are throwing a lifeline to individual­s who find themselves out of work and desperate for income. The two entities have launched the TOArtist COVID Response Fund, hoping to raise $1.5 million to $2 million to put money immediatel­y into the pockets of actors, musicians and other artists.

“We live in an incredible city because of our artists. Hopefully they’ve been able to apply for federal support down the line, but we need to reach out and help them now,” said Claire Hopkinson, director and CEO of the arts council and arts foundation.

Hopkinson said100 per cent of donations will go directly to artists, with administra­tive costs picked up by the foundation.

“We’ve been feeling it on the front line as artists have called us and told us their situation, and told us they can’t meet their rent and they’ve got to make some very hard choices,” Hopkinson said.

“I know there are so many needs out there right now. But those people who have full-time jobs still, and who love the arts and who would have bought tickets, at this time of closures, maybe they could think about offering some support.”

Major donors and foundation­s have already pledged more than $500,000 with individual donors pledging more than $40,000 within a few hours of the appeal’s launch.

Hopkinson said at least 10,000 people in the arts community have lost jobs as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, many of whom don’t qualify for employment insurance because they’re considered self-employed. Many in the arts community also derive much of their income from the restaurant and hospitalit­y industry, which has also been severely impacted by the coronaviru­s pandemic.

The fund will pay up to $1,000 to artists of all types whose performanc­es have been cancelled. Within a few hours of the fund’s announceme­nt, more than 100 artists had applied for assistance, Hopkinson said.

See torontoart­ for more informatio­n about the fund.

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