Toronto Star

Passover, hope during a time of plague

- YAEL SPLANSKY CONTRIBUTO­R Yael Splansky is the senior rabbi of Holy Blossom Temple, Toronto’s first synagogue.

Fifteen hundred years ago, the rabbis of the Talmud taught that if there is plague in the city, “gather your feet” — that is, stay in your home. Their prooftext for how to behave during a pandemic was the eve of our ancestors’ flight from ancient Egypt about which it is written: “And none of you shall go out of the opening of his house until the morning.” (Exodus 12:22)

On that mysterious night, everyone was keenly aware that a historic event was unfolding. On that frightful night, every Egyptian household was grieving for its first born. On that night of preparatio­n, the dough was made for the journey and had no time to rise; they had to make do with the provisions they had. On that fateful and faithful night, God commanded our ancestors to stay home and eat their Pesach meal, their first taste of anticipate­d freedom.

Wednesday night, Jews all of the world will hold their seders to retell the story of the exodus from Egypt. The symbols on our tables are intended to trigger memories that are not really our own, but through inherited collective memory, have become like our own.

This year, the themes will resonate like never before.

We will shelter-in-place as our ancestors did. We will taste the bitter herbs and the saltwater tears and identify with their fears of the unknown.

We will lean on pillows, giving thanks for the creature comforts we still enjoy. We will open the door and declare: “Let all who are hungry come and eat!” because a generous spirit is a key to survival. When we beckon Elijah the prophet to join us at the table, we will put our hopeful eyes on the horizon, when all the world will be redeemed and no one will be afraid.

One of the most beloved songs of the Passover seder is “Dayeinu,” when we express our gratitude for God’s gifts.

Dayeinu means, “It would have been enough for us.” If only God brought us out from Egypt, it would have been enough for us. If only God sustained us with manna in the wilderness, it would have been enough for us. If only God had given us the Torah, given us the Sabbath, brought us into the Land of Israel, etc. if would have been enough for us.

The verses go on forever.

Expression­s of Gratitude, even now If only my loved ones and I were healthy, Dayeinu. If only my government were good and trustworth­y and proactive, Dayeinu. If only the medical profession­als were showing up to work every day, despite the risks, Dayeinu. If only the grocery stores and pharmacies were still open to provide for the essentials of life, Dayeinu. If only I had a phone line to hear the voices of those I love, Dayeinu. If only I had internet access to connect with my congregati­on for prayer and sacred learning, Dayeinu. If only I had books on my shelf to read, Dayeinu. If only I could listen to the music that I love, Dayeinu. If only I could go outside or open a window for fresh air, Dayeinu. If only the sun came up each morning and set each evening, come what may, Dayeinu. If only I had good neighbours who are there for me if I ever need help, Dayeinu. If only I had a tablecloth and candlestic­ks to make “this night different from all other nights.”

If only I had the Jewish story to transport me from the narrow places of Egypt to the wide, open expanses of the wilderness, where God is near and the Promised Land is on the horizon,


May this Passover bring us from “degradatio­n to exultation,” from the low places of captivity to the higher ground of health and hope for the future.

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