Toronto Star

Trump threatens to deploy the military

Floyd’s brother pleads for peace, urges using power at the ballot box


WASHINGTON— Wielding extraordin­ary federal authority, President Donald Trump threatened the nation’s governors on Monday that he would deploy the military to states if they did not stamp out violent protests over police brutality that have roiled the nation over the past week. His announceme­nt came as police under federal command forced back peaceful demonstrat­ors with tear gas so he could walk to a nearby church and pose with a Bible.

Trump’s bellicose rhetoric came as the nation braced for another round of violence at a time when the country is already buckling because of the coronaviru­s outbreak and the Depression-level unemployme­nt it has caused. The president demanded an end to the heated protests in remarks from the White House Rose

Garden and vowed to use more force to achieve that aim.

If governors throughout the country do not deploy the National Guard in sufficient numbers to “dominate the streets,” Trump said the U.S. military would step in to “quickly solve the problem for them.”

“We have the greatest country in the world,” the president declared. “We’re going to keep it safe.”

Minutes before Trump began speaking, police and National Guard soldiers began aggressive­ly forcing back hundreds of peaceful protesters who had gathered in Lafayette Park, across the street from the White House, where they were chanting against police brutality and the Minneapoli­s death of George Floyd. As Trump spoke, tear gas canisters could be heard exploding.

Floyd died last week after he was pinned to the pavement by a police officer who put his knee on the handcuffed black man’s neck until he stopped breathing. His death set off protests that spread from Minneapoli­s across America.

The country has been beset by angry demonstrat­ions for the past week in some of the most widespread racial unrest in the U.S. since the 1960s. Spurred largely by Floyd’s death, protesters have taken to the streets to decry the killings of black people by police. Minneapoli­s officer Derek Chauvin has been charged with murder, but protesters are demanding that three of his colleagues be prosecuted, too. All four were fired.

While most of the demonstrat­ions have been peaceful, others have descended into violence, leaving neighbourh­oods in shambles, stores ransacked, windows broken and cars burned, despite curfews around the country and the deployment of thousands of National Guard members in at least 15 states.

On Monday, demonstrat­ions erupted from Philadelph­ia, where hundreds of protesters spilled onto a highway in the heart of the city, to Atlanta, where police fired tear gas at demonstrat­ors, to Nashville, where more than 60 National Guard soldiers put down their riot shields at the request of peaceful protesters who had gathered in front of Tennessee’s state capitol to honour Floyd.

In New York, where nightfall has brought widespread scenes of destructio­n, large crowds rallied peacefully in Times Square and Brooklyn during the day. Then, in early evening, looters rushed into a Nike store in Manhattan and protesters smashed storefront windows near Rockefelle­r Center. Video posted on social media showed some protesters arguing with people breaking windows, urging them to stop.

Earlier Monday, Trump told the nation’s governors in a video conference that they “look like fools” for not deploying even more National Guard troops. “Most of you are weak,” he said. He added: “You’ve got to arrest people, you have to track people, you have to put them in jail for 10 years and you’ll never see this stuff again.”

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democrat, dismissed Trump’s comments as the “rantings of an insecure man trying to look strong after building his entire political career on racism.”

In Minneapoli­s, meanwhile, Floyd’s brother Terrence made an emotional plea for peace at the site where Floyd was arrested.

“Let’s switch it up, y’all. Let’s switch it up. Do this peacefully, please,” Terrence Floyd said as he urged people to stop the violence and use their power at the ballot box. Also Monday, an autopsy commission­ed for Floyd’s family found that he died of asphyxiati­on from neck and back compressio­n, the family’s attorneys said.

The official autopsy said he died from the effects of being restrained along with underlying health problems and potential intoxicant­s in his system. The official autopsy found nothing “to support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulat­ion.”

More than 5,600 people nationwide have been arrested over the past week for such offences as stealing, blocking highways and breaking curfew, according to a count by AP.

“Let’s switch it up, y’all. Let’s switch it up. Do this peacefully, please.”



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