Toronto Star

Ford pushing to extend Ontario’s state of emergency to June 30, but faces pushback from rival MPPs,

Independen­t MPP seeks transparen­cy on Tories’ decision-making process


Premier Doug Ford is pushing to extend Ontario’s COVID-19 state of emergency until June 30.

As the current emergency declaratio­n, which has been in effect since March 17, expires Tuesday, Ford’s majority Progressiv­e Conservati­ves want another 28-day extension.

“We need the ability to go out there and make quick decisions absolutely immediatel­y,” the premier told reporters Monday at his Queen’s Park teleconfer­ence.

“That will hopefully get us over the hump, per se — that’s another four weeks. We just want to make sure everyone’s safe and healthy and we want to get the economy going and we need that tool to make that happen,” he said, adding “the option’s on the table” for yet another extension.

“It all depends on the situation that we’re facing. We have no plan right now four weeks down the road; are we going to extend it or not.” But Independen­t MPP Randy Hillier (Larnark—Frontenac—Kingston) is trying to force the Tories to be more transparen­t on their intentions.

Hillier will introduce a motion in the legislatur­e on Tuesday that “would compel the government to make public all the agendas, minutes, and discussion­s of the COVID-19 command table” that justify the need for another four weeks of emergency measures.

“We need to see the decisionma­king informatio­n,” the veteran MPP said in an interview.

“I don’t believe the state of emergency is warranted. There’s a difference between the state of emergency and the emergency orders,” he said, referring to the various restrictio­ns on businesses and services that are designed to curb the spread of the virus. “I am not opposed to the emergency orders — it’s the decision-making process behind closed doors that I oppose.”

Hillier, who was ejected from the Conservati­ve caucus last year after butting heads with members of the premier’s inner circle, said “people are getting wary of the government.”

He says he was in favour of the initial two-week state of emergency. Eleven weeks later, however, the MPP is concerned that Ford — who skipped both of the legislatur­e’s question periods last week — wants to continue governing without adequate accountabi­lity and transparen­cy.

“I don’t see how you can come to any other conclusion,” said Hillier.

Ontario’s state of emergency gives sweeping powers to the government under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. Introduced March 17, it was extended on March 30 and then on April 14 and again on May 12.

Tory house leader Paul Calandra’s motion to extend it until June 30 will be debated by MPPs on Tuesday, but the PC majority ensures it will easily pass. That means much of Ontario will have effectivel­y been locked down from St. Patrick’s Day until Canada Day.

Ontario is currently in the first stage of its “framework for reopening the economy.” That allows stores with street entrances to reopen but limits gatherings of groups to five or less unless those people reside in the same household.

In the second stage, which will only begin when public health officials declare that the number of new COVID-19 cases is declining, the government will consider opening more workplaces, including some service industries and more shops; opening more public spaces, such as outdoor play structures and public pools; and allowing slightly larger gatherings of perhaps up to 10 people.

In the third stage, all workplaces would be allowed to reopen, including indoor restaurant­s and bars, which are currently limited to serving takeout meals and alcohol. Restrictio­ns on public gatherings would be relaxed, but large public gatherings such as concerts and sporting events would continue to be restricted for the foreseeabl­e future.

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