Toronto Star

Banned on battlefiel­ds, not on city streets

Tear gas has become ‘easy-to-use and affordable way’ for police to handle social unrest

- ALEX BOYD STAFF REPORTER With files from The Canadian Press and The Associated Press.

Shot into crowds of demonstrat­ors from New York to Philadelph­ia and Atlanta, pale clouds of tear gas have emerged as one the enduring images of protests currently roiling the United States.

Although U.S. President Donald Trump has disputed the terminolog­y, “tear gas” is a blanket term for chemicals that cause skin, respirator­y and eye irritation. In just over a century, it has made it from the battlegrou­nds of Europe to the streets of North America.

It is now banned in wartime, but use against civilians, at least in the U.S., has become commonplac­e.

“Look what happened to Rodney King, and we never learned a thing from that,” said Carleton University criminolog­ist Darryl Davies, referring to the California man beaten by police in1991, sparking riots in Los Angeles. He argues reliance on tools like tear gas show that police are no more equipped to handle large scale protests than they were 30 years ago.

“You do not, in my view, build the trust of the community when you buy tank trucks and tear gas.”

Protests have exploded across the U.S. and around the world over the past week sparked by a video showing a Minneapoli­s police officer kneeling on George Floyd’s neck shortly before his death.

As people have taken to the streets in protest of police brutality, some American officers have in turn drawn criticism for their use of force, including rubber bullets and tear gas.

Although Canadian protests have been smaller and calmer for the most part, tensions flared in Montreal last Sunday, and police used tear gas and pepper spray on crowds after they said projectile­s were thrown.

Advocates have called for, if not an outright ban, clearer guidelines on what kind of chemicals can be used for riot control, or more restrictio­ns on its use, given the damage it can do to people.

On its website, the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention says that riot control agents, more commonly referred to as tear gas, “temporaril­y make people unable to function by causing irritation to the eyes, mouth, throat, lungs, and skin.”

Video of tear gas wafting over protesters shows people coughing, crying and wiping their eyes.

“Tear gas is seen as an easy-touse and affordable way to clear a protest and take control over space,” Anna Feigenbaum, the U.K.-based author of “Tear Gas: From the Battlefiel­ds of World War I to the Streets of Today,” wrote in an email.

“It was originally marketed with this intention and we continue to see it used as a means to disperse public assembly.”

Although it’s believed that French police toyed with tear gas earlier, the first deployment was during the First World War by French forces. Evidence suggests it was used as early as summer of 1914, months before the first chlorine gas attack at Ypres.

Once chemical attacks became an establishe­d part of the war, troops were issued gas masks. Part of the strategy behind using tear gas was to force opposing forces to wear masks as much as possible, according to history of science professor Daniel P. Jones, whose 1978 paper detailed tear gas’s rebirth as a riot control tool.

“It was learned that soldiers lost much of their efficiency after wearing those uncomforta­ble masks for any extended period of time,” he wrote. Tear gases were a more economical way to accomplish this than more toxic equivalent­s, and thus became commonplac­e at the front.

The transition to civilian use was swift.

The years after the First World War were marked by social tensions, inflamed by wartime inflation that saw prices for things like food and clothing spike. In the two years after the war, the U.S. saw 29 violent labour strikes and major riots, and federal troops were brought in to restore order. It was not surprising, Jones wrote, that veterans would turn to a familiar tool — tear gas.

The U.S. war department was against the idea of turning gas on civilians, according to Jones. But the chemical warfare service (CWS), another branch of the federal government that had researched gases during the war, was eager to prove its value during peacetime, and keen to find other uses for it. A member of the New York Police Department was the first to broach the topic.

“It has occurred to me these gases might be an efficient agency suppressin­g disorder,” A.D. Porter wrote. He also asked whether there would be any “serious or lasting results” on the people gassed. In response, Maj. Gen. William L Sibert, director of the CWS, said that they were making tear gas grenades for the very purpose of dispersing crowds.

And while tear gas grew in popularity as a police tool, it has been mostly curtailed for military purposes.

The internatio­nal use of tear gas has been restricted by the Chemical Weapons Convention since 1997, which requires that participat­ing countries commit “not to use riot control agents as a method of warfare.” But notably, the agreement also includes an exemption for law enforcemen­t and “domestic riot control purposes.”

Police in the United States, as well as other countries such as France and Uganda, are now quick to turn to pepper sprays and tear gases, which are “heavily” marketed to law enforcemen­t, Feigenbaum says.

“For the most part, it has been internatio­nally accepted as a way for police to disperse protest and take control over space,” she said.

Although there are reports it had already been used to clear buildings in Ontario, tear gas was used for crowd control for the first time in Toronto at the G20 protests in June 2010. At the time, Toronto police Chief Bill Blair said officers temporaril­y lost control of the downtown core, and several officers were injured after being hit by projectile­s, including bricks.

Davies argues police are starting to over-rely on tools such as tear gas, because of a lack of training in things such as communicat­ion and de-escalating potentiall­y dangerous situations.

“We’re asking police to deal with social problems, and we’re not training them to be able to adequately go into those situations and deal with them, in a constructi­ve and positive way,” he says. He argues if police were better equipped to talk to people, or find other ways of easing confrontat­ions, they’d resort to tear gas less often.

“I think police do the best with what they’ve got, but training is where it starts.”

Over time, new chemical formulas for tear gas have been developed, Feigenbaum says. More recently, police have begun using devices that launch multiple cartridges, or cartridges that break into pieces or bounce, so it’s harder for protesters to throw them back.

Tear gas is not the only military-inspired technology that has been taken up by police either, she notes. New technologi­es from armour to drones were developed on the battlegrou­nd.

“However, there are many dangers to seeing protests, as well as Black and minority communitie­s more generally, as enemies that police need protection from and weapons to battle,” Feigenbaum says.

She adds there are calls internatio­nally for clearer guidelines on which chemicals are exempted under the Chemical Weapons Convention, as well as limits on how these products are marketed.

In one of the most high-profile deployment­s yet, tear gas was reportedly used when authoritie­s cleared a peaceful crowd from outside the White House on Monday so Trump could pose for a photo at a church across the street.

Trump has denied it: “They didn’t use tear gas,” he told Fox News Radio on Wednesday.

But police have acknowledg­ed deploying a pepper compound, which the CDC and other scientific organizati­ons list as a form of tear gas. According to reports, authoritie­s at the scene set loose a wafting gas that sent people scattering; coughing, gagging, their faces marked, in some cases, with tears.

 ?? THE WASHINGTON POST FILE PHOTO ?? Police use tear gas on 14th Street in Washington during riots in 1968. First used during the First World War, tear gases are now heavily marketed to police forces.
THE WASHINGTON POST FILE PHOTO Police use tear gas on 14th Street in Washington during riots in 1968. First used during the First World War, tear gases are now heavily marketed to police forces.
 ?? BEN GRAY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A protester talks to police amid tear gas in Atlanta during a protest over George Floyd’s killing.
BEN GRAY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A protester talks to police amid tear gas in Atlanta during a protest over George Floyd’s killing.

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