Toronto Star

Biden’s basket of ‘deplorable­s’?


Former U.S. vice-president Joe Biden told a group of Black supporters on Thursday night that most Americans are good people who think the nation can be improved, while also declaring that “there are probably anywhere from 10 to 15 per cent of the people out there that are just not very good people.”

Biden offered his estimate during remarks in which he spoke about the importance of a president setting a positive example for the nation on racial issues. He accused President Donald Trump of dividing the country and pledged that, as president, he would not.

“The words a president says matter, so when a president stands up and divides people all the time, you’re going to get the worst of us to come out,” Biden said during the discussion, which was moderated by actor Don Cheadle.

“Do we really think this is as good as we can be as a nation? I don’t think the vast majority of people think that,” Biden said. “There are probably anywhere from 10 to 15 per cent of the people out there that are just not very good people, but that’s not who we are. The vast majority of the people are decent, and we have to appeal to that and we have to unite people — bring them together. Bring them together.”

Biden’s comments harked back to controvers­ial statements by past presidenti­al nominees who generalize­d in negative terms about portions of the population. In 2012, Mitt Romney, whose taped comments at a private fundraisin­g event were later leaked, said “47 per cent” of voters would never support him because they were “dependent on the government.” And in 2016, Hillary Clinton said half of Trump’s supporters belonged in a “basket of deplorable­s.”

Trump, for his part, has made harsh, denigratin­g and insulting remarks about many individual­s, as well as whole groups of people and countries, such as African Americans, Mexican immigrants, Muslims, women, Jewish donors, Haiti and some nations in Africa.

At different points in his 70-minute conversati­on, Biden spoke about race and racism in America in stark terms. He repeated several times that he didn’t know what it’s like to be discrimina­ted against on the basis of race, though he said his experience of being bullied for his childhood stutter helped him understand bullies and “what it’s like to be humiliated.”

“I’m a white man,” he said. “I think I understand, but I can’t feel it. I feel it but I don’t know what it’s like to be a Black man walking down the street and be accosted, or to be arrested or, God forbid, something worse.”

Biden suggested that his election wouldn’t eradicate the systemic racism that has sparked protests across the nation in the wake of the death of George Floyd after he was pinned down by Minneapoli­s police officers.

“Hate didn’t begin with Donald Trump, it’s not going to end with him,” Biden said.

 ?? JIM WATSON TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE ?? Joe Biden said 10 to 15 per cent of people “are just not very good people, but that’s not who we are.”
JIM WATSON TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE Joe Biden said 10 to 15 per cent of people “are just not very good people, but that’s not who we are.”

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