Toronto Star

States reverse course as virus resurges

Business forced to shut, masks made mandatory as states battle COVID-19


Arizona’s Republican governor shut down bars, movie theatres, gyms and water parks Monday and leaders in several states ordered residents to wear masks in public in a dramatic course reversal amid an alarming resurgence of coronaviru­s cases nationwide.

Among those implementi­ng the face-covering orders is the city of Jacksonvil­le, Florida, where mask-averse President Donald Trump plans to accept the Republican nomination in August. Trump has refused to wear a mask during visits to states and businesses that require them.

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey’s order went into effect immediatel­y and for at least 30 days. Ducey also ordered public schools to delay the start of classes until at least Aug. 17. Most Arizona bars and nightclubs opened after the governor’s stay-at-home and business closure orders were allowed to expire in mid-May.

Arizona health officials reported 3,858 more confirmed coronaviru­s cases Sunday, the most reported in a single day in the state so far and the seventh time in the past 10 days that daily cases surpassed the 3,000 mark. Since the pandemic began, 74,500 cases and 1,588 deaths stemming from the virus have been reported in Arizona.

“Our expectatio­n is that our numbers next week will be worse,” Ducey said Monday.

The state is not alone in its reversal. Places such as Texas, Florida and California are backtracki­ng, closing beaches and bars in some cases amid a resurgence of the virus.

In New Jersey, Gov. Phil Murphy announced Monday that he’s postponing the restarting of indoor dining because people have not been wearing face masks or complying with recommenda­tions for social distancing. New Jersey has been slowly reopening, and on Monday indoor shopping malls were cleared to start business again.

Democratic governors in Oregon and Kansas said Monday that they would require people to wear masks. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown’s order will require people to wear face coverings in indoor public spaces starting

Wednesday. Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly said she will issue an executive order mandating the use of masks in stores and shops, restaurant­s, and in any situation where social distancing cannot be maintained, including outside. The order goes into effect Friday.

“The evidence could not be clearer: Wearing a mask is not only safe, but it is necessary to avoid another shutdown,” Kelly said.

Idaho is moving in a different direction, at least when it comes to the elections. Despite the continuing spread of the virus, state elections officials said Monday that they would allow in-person voting — as well as mail-in ballots — for August primaries and the November general election, the Idaho Statesman reported. Idaho’s May 19 primary was the first statewide election held by mail only. The primary had record voter turnout.

In Texas, a group of bar owners sued on Monday to try to overturn Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s order closing their businesses. They contend Abbott doesn’t have the authority, and they complained that other businesses, such as nail salons and tattoo studios, remain open.

“Gov. Abbott continues to act like a king,” said Jared Woodfill, attorney for the bar owners.

“Abbott is unilateral­ly destroying our economy and trampling on our constituti­onal rights.” But Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that Abbott is on the right path, and he added that Trump should order the wearing of masks.

“States that were recalcitra­nt ... are doing a 180, and you have the same states now wearing masks,” Cuomo said. “Let the president have the same sense to do that as an executive order, and then let the president lead by example and let the president put a mask on it, because we know it works.”

One of Cuomo’s Republican counterpar­ts, Utah Gov. Gary Herbert, on a conference call with Vice-President Mike Pence and members of the White House coronaviru­s task force, also asked Pence and Trump to issue a national call to wear masks.

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has opposed a statewide mask requiremen­t but said in response to Jacksonvil­le’s action that he will support local authoritie­s who are doing what they think is appropriat­e.

In recent weeks, the Republican­s moved some of the convention pageantry to Jacksonvil­le after Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper of North Carolina objected to the holding of a large gathering in Charlotte without social-distancing measures.

Less than a week after Jacksonvil­le Mayor Lenny Curry said there would be no mask requiremen­t, city officials announced on Monday that coverings must be worn in “situations where individual­s cannot socially distance.” White House spokeswoma­n Kayleigh McEnany responded by saying the president’s advice is to “do whatever your local jurisdicti­on requests of you.”

 ?? BRIDGET BENNETT THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? National Guard members check in patients at a COVID-19 testing site in Las Vegas, on Monday.
BRIDGET BENNETT THE NEW YORK TIMES National Guard members check in patients at a COVID-19 testing site in Las Vegas, on Monday.

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