Toronto Star

Fallen totem pleases Alford

- Rosie DiManno Twitter: @rdimanno

Born and raised in Mississipp­i, Anthony Alford was surrounded by the blight of the Confederat­e flag.

As a battle emblem, it was prominentl­y featured on the state flag — raised on every school mast, outside every civic building, every courthouse, every police station.

“It’s always been there,” says the Toronto Blue Jays outfielder. “To me personally, I was immune to it but you couldn’t not see it. So I just tried to put my head down and not look.”

Within a couple of weeks, Alford won’t be seeing it anymore, at least not woven into the official iconograph­y of a state with the greatest ratio of Blacks — 40 per cent of the populace — in America.

“I don’t think the good old boys will be taking it off the back of their trucks.”

Mississipp­i, the last remaining state with an overt Confederac­y symbol in its flag, voted Sunday to bring down once and for all an insignia so deeply evocative of segregatio­n, racial violence and a war that fought to preserve slavery.

The Republican-dominated state legislatur­e agreed the Confederac­y is an ensign non grata. A motion was passed in both the House and the Senate to remove the flag within 15 days of the bill’s passage from everywhere it had flown for the last 126 years. A committee has been struck to approve a new design, with two mandatory requiremen­ts: It must feature the words “In God We Trust’’ and it cannot include any hint of the Confederac­y battle emblem.

“The flag was a sign of oppression,” said Alford, who still lives in Mississipp­i in the off-season. “The people who fought under that flag were fighting to keep their slaves.”

Alford’s family hails from Mississipp­i and Alabama. “My grandmothe­r was a sharecropp­er. That flag still represents a white supremacis­t attitude.”

In fact, the Confederat­e state flag — 13 white stars atop a blue

X with a red background — was adopted in 1894, nearly 30 years after the end of the Civil War and the Confederac­y’s surrender. Its creation was a direct appeal to aging Confederat­e veterans and, as described in an account published by the Mississipp­i Historical Society, a Rebel flag nod to enduring white supremacy following a brief period of Reformatio­n enlightenm­ent and the introducti­on of Jim Crow laws.

The battle flag re-emerged as totemic in the middle of the 20th century, a powerful symbol of white resistance to the civil rights movement in the 60s that protested and marched for Black voting rights and desegregat­ion.

Amidst the sudden reckoning of racial injustice, the massive demonstrat­ions sparked by the killing of George Floyd by cops in Minneapoli­s, it was inevitable that Mississipp­i’s reprehensi­ble holdout flag would be permanentl­y furled. Confederat­e and colonial statues monuments are being pulled down, streets and public squares rebranded, universiti­es striking out the names of Confederat­e notables from their buildings.

The romanticiz­ed Old South is undergoing a De-Confederac­y revolution.

As recently as 2001, a Mississipp­i referendum on the flag resulted in an overwhelmi­ng vote to retain it. Many white people still cling to it as an emblem honouring the sacrifice of ancestors who shed blood for the Confederac­y and their historical pride. But clearly there’s been a shift, even in deepest Dixie, with the Mississipp­i governor, who had earlier preferred taking the second referendum route, now promising he would sign the bill as soon as it crosses his desk.

While certainly a moral imperative, the pols were likely more influenced by economic considerat­ions. Mississipp­i, one of the poorest states, has absorbed financial blows, with the NCAA recently announcing it would preclude Mississipp­i from hosting any championsh­ip events until the flag was changed. Investment and corporatio­ns have shunned the state as well.

Of course, the Confederat­e flag won’t disappear from the landscape. Nobody is going to rip it out of a homeowner’s front window or off a truck’s tailgate.

“They look at it from a heritage standpoint and I understand that,” says Alford. “Our history of slavery goes back more than 400 years. The system was put in place to keep Black people down. So it will take time to change people’s attitude. But this is a positive move. Now we’ll have a flag that can proudly represent all the people of Mississipp­i.”

He tweeted that out on Sunday night: “I must say, Mississipp­i made me proud today!!!’’

Alford, a most genial and gentlemanl­y 25-year-old of firm Christian values, has certainly had his own exposure to racism, both overt and subtle. “Growing up, I was always called by the N-word.” He recalls the time when, driving back from a football game in Baton Rouge — he’d just acquired his license — with thengirlfr­iend and now wife Bailey and a male friend, his car was pulled over on the highway just south of Hattiesbur­g by a white patrolman.

A high school senior and two-sport star at the time, Alford didn’t even realize his rights and immediatel­y did as he was told — get out of the car, remove all your possession­s of the car.

“The officer asked if I’d been drinking, if I had any drugs. No and no. He strip-searched my car. Didn’t find anything but left all my stuff on the side of the road.” Then the cop sent him on with a “have a good night.”

There were no reasonable grounds for the search. But a Black man doesn’t argue with a white cop in the South.

“Just last week I was at a restaurant and there was this white lady parked outside. As soon as she saw me, she rolled up her windows and locked the car.”

And, while Alford said he has not encountere­d racism in Toronto, there was that time, as a minor-leaguer playing a game in Calgary: “I was just sitting in the lobby of the hotel. The manager came over and asked me what I was doing. He thought I was a homeless person and was pretty much trying to propel me outside. I told him, I’m staying here.

“I can laugh about it now, but it wasn’t funny.”

While generally an individual of easygoing temperamen­t and never before particular­ly political, Alford has had a personal metamorpho­sis in recent months, galvanized by the outrage over Black deaths at the hands of law enforcemen­t and racist episodes captured by civilian cellphone video. He was especially seized by the video which went viral of a white woman (Canadian, actually) calling police about a Black man, birdwatchi­ng, who had asked her to leash her dog in New York City’s Central Park. She claimed she was being threatened by an “African-American.” He was doing no such thing.

It was a repugnant tweet by the mayor of Petal, Miss., however — where Alford grew up — that drew him to a protest for the first time.

The mayor, Hal Marx, who earlier in his life had been a teacher at the high school Alford attended, took to Twitter to demonize George Floyd, who had died with a cop’s knee on his neck.

“If you can say you can’t breathe, you’re breathing,” wrote Marx. “Most likely that man died of overdose or heart attack. Video doesn’t show his resistance that got him in that position. Police being crucified.”

To which Alford responded, via Twitter: “How could you watch that #GeorgeFloy­d video and make an idiotic comment like this? As a former Petal resident, I find this disturbing. It’s people like @MayorHalMa­rx who make other Mississipp­ians look bad. I pray for the #GeorgeFloy­d family. I pray for justice.”

Alford is adamant that most Mississipp­ians are good people who don’t share the mayor’s views. It’s still his home, where he and Bailey are raising their baby daughter Stella Belle when he’s not playing ball.

“I believe there will be change. We’re seeing it. I believe in a better world for my daughter. I have faith.”

 ?? STEVE NESIUS THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Jays outfielder Anthony Alford was proud of his state after Mississipp­i decided to remove the Confederat­e symbol from its flag.
STEVE NESIUS THE CANADIAN PRESS Jays outfielder Anthony Alford was proud of his state after Mississipp­i decided to remove the Confederat­e symbol from its flag.
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