Toronto Star

Staying safe at the beach in Toronto this weekend

Heat warnings in place with expected highs of 32 C this weekend

- RANEEM ALOZZI STAFF REPORTER With files from Ian Adams and Miriam Lafontaine

With Toronto’s summer in full swing, the urge to run headfirst into the first body of water in sight is intensifyi­ng.

Environmen­t Canada has put out a heat warning for the city until early next week, with highs of 32C expected on Saturday and Sunday.

Social distancing measures are still in place and complicati­ng the fun.

Before you dive in this weekend, here are some things you should know:

Where can you take a dip?

Ten of Toronto’s 11 beaches are open for lakeside fun. (Rouge Valley Beach is closed.) On Canada Day, visitors packed Wasaga Beach, a twohour drive from Toronto, prompting the town to shut down most of the beach area as of next Thursday. The town is determinin­g how it will limit capacity in the parking lots.

Beach-goers also packed Ashbridges Bay in Toronto on Canada Day, but that’s yet to prompt any shutdowns. Premier Doug Ford said Friday that there won’t be any provincial orders on beaches and the issue is at the discretion of the chief medical officer.

Dr. Vinita Dubey, Toronto’s associate medical officer of health, said people still need to exercise caution if they arrive at a beach and find it crowded.

“We are still advising (people) to avoid public gatherings and large crowds where physical distancing cannot be maintained, including beaches,” she told the Star.

City-run pools and have also reopened, and have limits on the number of people who can enter to ensure social distancing, Dubey said.

The city will continue to monitor litter, alcohol, improper parking, bonfires and DJs around beaches.

Could I get fined?

Bylaw officers and police will also continue to have a presence at beaches and parks where there are splash pads.

Provincial orders restrictin­g gatherings of more than 10 people who are not members of the same household or social circle remain in effect,” Dubey said.

Fines for violating a provincial order under the Emergency Measures Act can range from $750 to $100,000, and include up to one year in jail.

Can COVID-19 be spread through the water?

At this time, there’s no evidence the virus can spread through water, Dubey said.

“COVID-19 spreads mostly through direct contact with the respirator­y droplets of someone who is infected with the virus through coughing, sneezing or talking, even when someone does not have or has not yet developed symptoms,” she said.

“This is why it is so important for everyone to practice physical distancing, keep six feet away from others, wash our hands often, and stay home if we are sick.”

When it comes to masks, the City isn’t advising you attempt to wear them while swimming, she said. Instead, you should wear them before heading into the water when you notice distancing yourself from others isn’t possible. You should also wear them while indoors if you’re using a changing room.

 ?? RENÉ JOHNSTON TORONTO STAR ?? Thousands picked a spot on Ashbridges Bay on Canada Day. Premier Doug Ford said there won’t be any provincial orders on beaches and the issue is at the discretion of the chief medical officer.
RENÉ JOHNSTON TORONTO STAR Thousands picked a spot on Ashbridges Bay on Canada Day. Premier Doug Ford said there won’t be any provincial orders on beaches and the issue is at the discretion of the chief medical officer.

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