Toronto Star

Charges ‘do not amount to justice’

Animal rights protester killed in June outside Burlington slaughterh­ouse


Halton Region police have charged the man driving the truck that struck and killed an animal rights protester last month, but the group she’s a part of is calling the charge “feeble.”

The 28-year-old man from North Perth has been charged with the Highway Traffic Act offence of careless driving causing death in the June 19 incident that left 65-year-old Regan Russell, of Hamilton, dead.

Halton police aren’t releasing the man’s name as the charge isn’t criminal.

“There were no grounds to indicate this was an intentiona­l act, or that a criminal offence had been committed,” Supt. Kevin Maher said in a release Monday.

“This investigat­ion included the interview of several witnesses, analysis of physical evidence, and a technical reconstruc­tion of the collision,” he added. “In addition, video footage that captured the entirety of the incident was reviewed by investigat­ors.” Animal Save Movement wants police to release video footage of the incident. Halton police haven’t responded to a request for comment on Animal Save Movement’s statement on the charge or their call for the video to be released.

Russell was struck by the driver of a transport truck that was hauling pigs through the gates of Fearmans Pork meat processing facility at Appleby Line and Harvester Road at around 10:20 a.m. on June 19.

The truck with its cargo of squealing pigs remained at the scene for several hours as police blocked off the area and began their investigat­ion.

Witnesses said Russell was struck while giving water to the pigs in the truck, but Halton police have neither confirmed nor denied those accounts.

Her sudden and violent death sparked protests by animal rights activists demanding action against the truck driver and improving laws to protect such protests.

Anita Krajnc, co-founder of the group Toronto Pig Save, said in a statement Monday that the charge is “feeble and do not amount to justice for Regan.”

Russell was a respected and revered animal rights activist, Krajnc said earlier.

“What happened to this activist is beyond tragic. She was a beautiful, beautiful woman who was kind and compassion­ate, loved animals, wanted the world to go vegan,” said Krajnc. “She has been doing animal activism for years. She just spoke her mind, she was very articulate. She was a beautiful woman and I can’t believe she is dead. She’s an angel and she was giving thirsty pigs water.”

Fellow protester and Russell’s friend, Kelly Simpson, said there is “outrage” over what happened and activists are still angry because criminal charges weren’t laid in the case.

 ?? AGNES CSEKE PHOTO ?? Regan Russell, an activist with Toronto Pig Save, died when she was struck by the driver of a truck carrying pigs to slaughter.
AGNES CSEKE PHOTO Regan Russell, an activist with Toronto Pig Save, died when she was struck by the driver of a truck carrying pigs to slaughter.

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