Toronto Star

Ontario sees biggest jump in daily cases since mid-June

Premier Ford singles out young partygoers for much of sharp increase


Too many young adults are going “hog wild” at parties and spreading COVID-19, Premier Doug Ford says as Canada notches an alarming one-quarter rise in cases over the past few days.

The numbers include a big daily jump in Ontario that saw the province top 200 new infections for the first time in three weeks with partygoers under 40 getting much of the blame.

The trend is raising red flags for public health authoritie­s as more of the country reopens for business, but the problem is people in the 20 to 39 age bracket letting their guard down when getting together with friends, according to a federal analysis of new infections.

While Canada’s efforts to flatten the curve of COVID-19 have been good, that success remains “fragile,” warned the country’s deputy chief public health officer.

“It only takes a few sparks to backslide and create a situation we don’t want,” Dr. Howard Njoo said Tuesday.

“We were averaging about 300 cases a day … more recently that’s increased to 350. Now we’re in the neighbourh­ood of 450, 460 cases per day for the last four days. That is of concern.”

Ontario reported 203 new cases Tuesday with Ford also singling out young adults in the party scene for much of the sharp increase from 135 the previous day.

“Guys, you got to rein it in. Simple as that … you may get through it, but maybe your grandparen­ts won’t,” Ford pleaded during a stop in Mississaug­a. “We have to keep this in control.” Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott noted the increase to more than 200 cases — a level not seen consistent­ly in the province in five weeks — is only one day of data but said 116 or 57 per cent were 39 years old or younger.

Elliott singled out a spike in Ottawa, to 43 cases from 20 the day before, for part of the increase that has largely involved indoor parties of people in their 20s.

“Maintain only one social circle of 10 people, physically distance with anyone outside of it and wear a face covering when doing so is a challenge,” Elliott said on Twitter.

About one-third of the cases across the country had been among young adults for months but has now risen to 55 per cent, said Njoo, who raised the possibilit­y that the openings of bars and restaurant­s to indoor service in many parts of the county is sending “a signal for people to think ‘I can let go.’ ”

Toronto, Peel Region and Windsor-Essex have been held back from Stage 3 reopenings coming to other regions including Halton, Durham, York, Hamilton and Niagara this Friday, where bars and restaurant­s will be allowed to resume indoor service.

The province said Peel had 57 new cases, but Mississaug­a Mayor Bonnie Crombie said that was a “misreprese­ntation” because it included a backlog as the region moved to a new data collection system and the actual number of new cases was 22.

She had a warning for young adults. “This is no time for partying. This is very serious.”

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