Toronto Star

U.S. agents tear-gas Portland protesters

Federal judge denies state motion to restrict federal police officers


PORTLAND, ORE.— Federal agents again repeatedly fired tear gas to break up rowdy protests in Portland, Ore., that continued into the early morning Saturday as demonstrat­ions that have happened every night for two months showed no signs of letting up.

Thousands gathered in front of the downtown federal courthouse beginning Friday evening.

Demonstrat­ions have happened in Oregon’s largest city nightly since George Floyd was killed in Minneapoli­s in May.

U.S. President Donald Trump said he sent federal agents to Portland to halt the unrest, but state and local officials say they are making the situation worse.

The latest demonstrat­ion went until federal agents entered the crowd around 2:30 a.m. Saturday and marched in a line down the street, clearing remaining protesters with volleys of tear gas at close range. They also extinguish­ed a large fire in the street outside the courthouse.

Late Friday, a federal judge denied a request by Oregon’s attorney general to restrict the actions of federal police.

The Federal Protective Service had declared the gathering in Portland that began Friday evening as “an unlawful assembly” and said that officers had been injured.

As the crowd dispersed, someone was found stabbed nearby, Portland police said.

The person was taken to a hospital and a suspect was arrested.

By 3 a.m., most demonstrat­ors had left, with only small groups roaming the streets.

Earlier Friday night, the protest had drawn various organized groups, including veterans, Healthcare Workers Protest, Teachers against Tyrants, Lawyers for Black Lives and the “Wall of Moms.”

As the crowd grew — authoritie­s estimate there were 3,000 present at the peak of the protest — people were heard chanting “Black Lives Matter” and “Feds go home” to the sound of drums.

Later, protesters vigorously shook the fence surroundin­g the courthouse, shot fireworks towards the building and threw glass bottles.

The federal agents have arrested dozens during nightly demonstrat­ions against racial injustice that often turn violent.

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