Toronto Star

Virtual learning strategy could affect alumni giving

- CONTRIBUTO­R Nikki Putric is a University of Toronto student studying mathematic­al and physical sciences.


There’s a line in the film Jerry Maguire that goes, “The key to this business is personal relationsh­ips.” It’s excellent advice, and colleges and universiti­es should keep it in mind when developing a post-pandemic “virtual learning strategy.”

According to Ontario’s Newsroom, a virtual learning strategy will ensure that post-secondary institutio­ns are “positioned to weather future disruption­s,” meaning the time has come for online education. It also means the beginning of the hybrid diploma and degree and possibly the end of alumni giving.

Students are wondering what a hybrid higher education will look like. Will first-year students be required to complete their 101 year entirely online? Will 50 per cent of a program be delivered in person and 50 per cent virtually? Will future students complete one semester on campus and the other remotely? Will lower-cost tuition models be introduced for online courses?

Regardless of the combinatio­n, hybrid diplomas and degrees mean students will be receiving less from their campus-based colleges and universiti­es. Ironically, academic institutio­ns will be receiving less too, in the form of future alumni donations. After all, when it comes to the business of alumni fundraisin­g, personal relationsh­ips are key, not virtual ones.

It’s no coincidenc­e, then, that the less time a student spends on campus, the less likely they are to develop an attachment to their college or university and become a future donor. The fewer chances a student has to forge friendship­s, attend social and academic events, and join clubs, sports teams and organizati­ons, the weaker the student’s ties to their school and the less likely they’ll be to contribute as an alumnus. The less time a student spends interactin­g with their professors and learning in their school’s lecture halls, labs, libraries, historic buildings, or state- of-theart facilities, the less school pride they’ll feel and the less likely they’ll be to one day give.

Essentiall­y, the more online courses a program consists of, the fewer memories a student will form and the less inclined they’ll be to support their future alma mater. Sure, in terms of total annual dollars, alumni donations constitute a small proportion when compared with government funding and tuition revenue, but it’s not insignific­ant enough to ignore when developing a virtual learning strategy. In fact, it’s a large enough sum to justify colleges and universiti­es employing alumni relations officers and hosting alumni fundraisin­g events.

While colleges and universiti­es figure out how to incorporat­e online courses into their programs, they should also consider how hybrid diplomas and degrees will affect future alumni giving. If they fail to come up with just the right formula, when they call on their alumni and say, “Show me the money!” I think most will respond like the adorable character Ray Boyd, who answers Jerry Maguire’s cellphone and asks, “Who is this?”

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