Toronto Star

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- More takes on the Marlins, MLB’s pandemic game plan

“Now we REALLY get to see if MLB is going to put players health first. Remember when (Rob) Manfred said players health was PARAMOUNT?! Part of the reason I’m at home right now is because players health wasn’t being put first. I can see that hasn’t changed.” — Dodgers pitcher David Price, who opted to sit out the season, on Twitter

The game will go on, for now, but MLB has no choice but to be on high alert and cancel further games if there’s even a scent of an outbreak … How many more players will now opt-out? Will Angels star Mike Trout, the face of the game, opt out with his wife expecting their first child on Aug. 3? If Trout doesn’t play, how many will follow? — Bob Nightengal­e, USA Today

If a team-wide outbreak, involving roughly 30 per cent of the Marlins’ travelling party — with the potential to infect numerous staffers, hotel workers, bus drivers and many others — wasn’t enough to push the pause button on the entire league, what is? Apparently, Rob Manfred will know impossible when he sees it. — David Lennon, Newsday

“Personally, me, I don’t even go out. I order my food in my room, I eat in my room. I put everything I need in the room and I just stay in my room. I don’t go out because I don’t want to (test) positive.” — Blue Jays rookie infielder Santiago Espinal, on a Monday Zoom call, explaining how he protects himself during the pandemic

Were the Marlins the result of one or two players breaking safety protocol? Evidence that teams in a coronaviru­s-rich area like South Florida can’t stay healthy? The first in line of teams and sports leagues to be wrecked? So many questions. And, as usual with the coronaviru­s, not enough answers. Not yet. — Dave Hyde, Sun Sentinel

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