Toronto Star


Who said what this week


“I am asking the team of five million to stand ready again.” New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern, announcing lockdown measures to contain a new cluster of coronaviru­s cases, after the country had gone more than 100 days with no local transmissi­on “It felt like an invading army approachin­g a castle.” Reporter Alex Lam Wai-Chung, describing a police raid on the offices of Apple Daily, a Hong Kong pro-democracy newspaper “Protests will only grow. They can cheat some, but they can’t cheat the entire people.”

Anna Shestakova, who joined thousands of demonstrat­ors on the streets of Minsk after a disputed election in which longtime autocratic ruler Alexander Lukashenko claimed victory “There are too many reports of women politician­s being the recipients of vicious online abuse, derogatory comments about their gender, and when online vitriol spills into the real world, violent physical attacks. This has to stop.” Ottawa city Coun. Laura Dudas, after a rock was hurled through a window of her home while her family was asleep “Is it perfect? Nothing is perfect in a very difficult region. But I think we used our political chips right.” Senior Emirati official Anwar

Gargash, on a historic deal to normalize relations between the United Arab Emirates and Israel “Oh s--t.”

Maya Rudolph, who has portrayed Sen. Kamala Harris on “Saturday Night Live,” when she learned (during an online panel discussion) that Harris would be the Democratic party’s nominee for vicepresid­ent

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