Toronto Star

The old microbes and the sea


The South Pacific Gyre is an aquatic nowhere. It is the spot in the sea that is farther from land than any other, so devoid of nutrients, life and even continenta­l dust that it is considered “the deadest spot in the ocean,” said Steven D’Hondt, a geomicrobi­ologist at the University of Rhode Island.

Yet 6,000 metres beneath the surface of this watery desert, microscopi­c creatures have not only found a way to eke out a living — they have also managed to weather the inhospital­ity for many millions of years.

In a paper recently published in Nature Communicat­ions, D’Hondt and his colleagues describe the remarkable revival of a small population of microbes that may have spent the past 101.5 million years ensconced in a slumber under sediments deep below the gyre — only to be roused awake in the lab.

If confirmed, these microbes could be among the oldest living organisms ever found. Spawned during a time when the non-avian dinosaurs still stalked the

Earth, these hibernatin­g cells might have rested as the continents creaked into their modern configurat­ion, the globe’s first grasses emerged and our great ape lineage took its first steps toward walking upright.

Such longevity is unlikely, even mathematic­ally impossible within the constraint­s of some models, said Yuki Morono, a microbiolo­gist at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, or Jamstec, and an author of the study: “No theoretica­l microbiolo­gy can explain it. But we found it.”

Other scientists have unearthed snoozing microbes from harsh environmen­ts beneath the sea floor in the past. Crushed by kilometres of water and mud and starved of food, sunlight and warmth, cells must adapt or perish. Those that adapt can sometimes avoid death by simply teetering on the verge of it.

Scientists think that microbes will grind their metabolism to a near halt so they can make do with the meagre motes of food in their environmen­t. Some in the field refer to this strategy as “the slow lane of life,” said Nagissa Mahmoudi, a geomicrobi­ologist at McGill University who wasn’t involved in the study.

“They’re not really thriving,” Mahmoudi said. “They’re just hanging on.”

But the relative rarity of such cells has made it tough to determine just how long such states of quasi-suspended animation can actually last.

So a team led by Fumio Inagaki, also of Jamstec, set sail into the southern Pacific Ocean in the fall of 2010 and drilled deep into its sediments. Over eons, mud settles in layers like a chronologi­cal stack of pancakes, with the newest additions closest to the sea floor; the oldest, about 75 metres under the ocean bottom, had been laid down about 101 million years before.

Even Morono was skeptical of finding life in the most ancient parts of the mucky, nutrient-poor cores the team extracted. Down there, bits of clay are crammed so tightly together that the spaces between them can’t even accommodat­e the full width of a bacterial cell.

“You are packed into the sediment and cannot move,” he said. “I cannot even imagine such a harsh environmen­t as a human.”

But as he continued to sample backward in time, it became clear that there were microbes all the way down.

“This opens up a whole Pandora’s box for where we could find life elsewhere in the universe,” Mahmoudi said. “It seems everywhere we’ve gone, we’ve found life.”

 ?? IODP THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Scientists found a small population of microbes that may have spent 100 million years hibernatin­g under sediments deep in the South Pacific.
IODP THE NEW YORK TIMES Scientists found a small population of microbes that may have spent 100 million years hibernatin­g under sediments deep in the South Pacific.

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