Toronto Star

An unconventi­onal tale of the tape

Over the past two weeks, the two major U.S. political parties held presidenti­al convention­s. The Star’s Washington bureau chief, Ed Keenan, looks at the good, the bad and the ugly



Democrats: Aug. 17-20, Milwaukee, Wis., and Wilmington, Del. Republican­s: Aug. 24-27, Charlotte, N.C., and Washington, D.C.


Democrats: 22-35 in the Wisconsin convention centre for speeches; about 30 members of the media in the Delaware hall for Biden’s speech.

Republican­s: 336 in the North Carolina hall; about 100 at Mike Pence’s speech at Fort McHenry in Baltimore; approximat­ely 1,500 outdoors on the White House lawn for Trump’s speech.


Democrats: 23.6 million Republican­s: 21.6 million


Democrats: A 91-page document developed by a committee including members of the Biden and Bernie Sanders teams, outlining policies on topics including the economy, climate change, universal health care and criminal justice reform.

Republican­s: None. A single page resolution to declare no new platform would be adopted in 2020, but “reassert the party’s strong support for President Donald Trump and his administra­tion.” Trump’s campaign issued a 50-point agenda.


Democrats: “Build back better.” Republican­s: “The best is yet to come.”


Democrats: Scenes from across the country — on beaches, in front of mountain ranges, next to food trucks and a plate of deep-fried calamari.

Republican­s: Delegates in Charlotte stood in front of a white backdrop featuring the hashtag #RNC2020. Some wore distinctiv­e hats or scarves.


Democrats: “The most important election of our lifetimes”; Trump’s mishandlin­g of coronaviru­s; Trump’s threat to democracy; light vs. darkness; Biden’s basic decency. Republican­s: “In Joe Biden’s America, you will never be safe,”; coronaviru­s as a thing of the past after Trump’s magnificen­t response; fighting legal abortion; Biden as a “Trojan horse” for “radical socialism”; Trump is not racist and is actually a caring person away from the cameras.


Democrats: 25 minutes Republican­s: 71 minutes, plus a 55minute speech in North Carolina on Monday


Democrats: CNN fact-checkers say, “Major speakers mostly spoke in generaliti­es or offered subjective opinions — and when they did make assertions of fact, they have largely been accurate.”

Republican­s: CNN fact-checkers say, “CNN counted more than 20 false, exaggerate­d or misleading claims from Trump on Thursday night. That’s in addition to a number of falsehoods from other speakers.”


Democrats: Streamers and balloons in a library as members of the Biden family celebrated the nomination to the tune of Kool and the Gang’s “Celebratio­n”; fireworks over a parking lot in Delaware where supporters honked horns and waved signs outside Biden’s speech venue. Republican­s: Trump’s name spelled out in fireworks over the Washington Monument before he and his supporters stood at attention for a cover version of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.”


Democrats: Evident, including Biden and VP nominee Kamala Harris staying apart while onstage together, wearing masks in most appearance­s. Republican­s: Virtually none. Few people appeared wearing masks, attendees sat close together at outdoor venues.


Democrats: Archival video of Barack Obama awarding Biden the Presidenti­al Medal of Honour. Republican­s: Donald Trump pardoned a reformed convict and conducted a citizenshi­p ceremony during a broadcast from the White House.


Democrats: Some Canadians thought Biden came close to plagiarizi­ng Jack Layton’s farewell letter when he said in his speech, “For love is more powerful than hate. Hope is more powerful than fear. Light is more powerful than dark. This is our moment. This is our mission.” Republican­s: Lara Trump, the president’s daughter-in-law, inaccurate­ly attributed a quote to Abraham Lincoln that has been featured in a Facebook meme.


Democrats: “Donald Trump is the wrong president for our country. He has had more than enough time to prove that he can do the job, but he is clearly in over his head. He cannot meet this moment. He simply cannot be who we need him to be for us. It is what it is.” — Michelle Obama

“I am also asking you to believe in your own ability, to embrace your own responsibi­lity as citizens, to make sure that the basic tenets of our democracy endure, because that’s what at stake right now — our democracy.” — Barack Obama

“The Irish poet Seamus Heaney once wrote: ‘History says, / Don’t hope on this side of the grave, / But / then, once in a lifetime / The longed-for tidal wave / Of justice can rise up, / And hope and history rhyme.” This is our moment to make hope and history rhyme. With passion and purpose, let us begin — you and I together, one nation, under God — united in our love for America and united in our love for each other.” — Joe Biden Republican­s: “Our family went from cotton to Congress in one lifetime, and that’s why I believe the next American century can be better than the last.” — Tim Scott

“It’s almost like this election is shaping up to be church, work and school versus rioting, looting and vandalism — or, in the words of Biden and the Democrats, ‘peaceful protesting.’ ” — Donald Trump Jr.

“And this election will decide whether we will defend the American way of life or allow a radical movement to completely dismantle and destroy it. It won’t happen. At the Democrat National Convention, Joe Biden and his party repeatedly assailed America as a land of racial, economic and social injustice, so tonight, I ask you a simple question: How can the Democratic Party ask to lead our country when it spent so much time tearing down our country?” — Donald Trump

 ?? TASOS KATOPODIS GETTY IMAGES ?? Donald Trump celebrated his nomination at the end of the RNC with fireworks above the Washington Monument and the White House.
TASOS KATOPODIS GETTY IMAGES Donald Trump celebrated his nomination at the end of the RNC with fireworks above the Washington Monument and the White House.
 ?? OLIVIER DOULIERY AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Former vice-president and Democratic presidenti­al nominee Joe Biden, with his wife, Jill Biden, wear masks at the conclusion of the DNC.
OLIVIER DOULIERY AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Former vice-president and Democratic presidenti­al nominee Joe Biden, with his wife, Jill Biden, wear masks at the conclusion of the DNC.

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